FLCL is an OVA series released in Japan from 2000-2001. Created by Gainax, its staff includes director Kazuya Tsurumaki, writer Yoji Enokido, mechanical designer Junya Ishigaki, character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, and composers Shinkichi Mitsumune and The Pillows. The story focuses on Naota Nandaba, a young boy whose life changes when he meets the wild and unpredictable Haruko. Naota experiences increasingly strange occurrences, including having multiple robots emerge from his head. The series was initially released on home video in North America by Synch Point and was later re-released by Crunchyroll (formerly Funimation). Its popularity from broadcasts on Adult Swim has let to the creation of multiple sequels by Production IG.
Kazuya Tsurumaki
Yoji Enokido
Mechanical Designer(s):
Junya Ishigaki
Shigeto Koyama
Bukichi Nadeara
Yoshitsune Izuna
Character Designer:
Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
Musical Composer(s):
Shinkichi Mitsumune
The Pillows
6 episodes; 1 compilation movie
Video Release (OVA):
Japan 04.26.2000 – 03.16.2001
U.S. 09.03.2002 – 07.22.2003
Theatrical Release:
Japan 10.01.2006