Super Robot Wars OG Divine Wars: Record of ATX is a manga series released exclusively in Japan from 2006-2009. Published in Dengeki Hobby Magazine, it was written and illustrated by Tatsunosuke Yatsufusa. It is an adaptation of the 2002 game Super Robot Wars Original Generation that focuses on the ATX Team that includes Kyosuke Nanbu, Excellen Browning and Brooklyn “Bullet” Luckfield. The series was followed by the sequels The Inspector and Bad Beat Bunker.
PTX-003C Alteisen (Gespenst Mark III)
PTX-006 Wildraubtier
PTX-007-03C Weissritter (Gespenst Mark II Custom)
RPT-007 Gespenst Mark II Mass Produced Version
RPT-007TT Gespenst Mark II Type-TT
SRG-00 Grungust Type 0
Vehicles and Support Units
F-28 Messer
Hiryu Kai
Space Noah class (Shirogane)
Tausendfuessler class
Type 71 Waldung
DCAM-00 Granzon
DCAM-004 Lion
Vehicles and Support Units
F-28 Messer
F-32 Schwert
Killer Whale class
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mecha or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.