
Round Vernian Vifam

Vifam TV header

Round Vernian Vifam is a TV series that aired exclusively in Japan from 1983-1984. Co-created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Takeyuki Kanda, it was directed by Kanda, with mechanical designs by Kunio Okawara, character designs by Toyoo Ashida and a score from Toshiyuki Watanabe. Set in 2058, the series focuses on 13 children from the human colony world Clayad who are all separated from their parents when the mysterious alien Astrogaters attack. Escaping on the training ship Janus, the children are forced to cooperate for their own survival, including piloting round vernians. Following the end of the TV series, Sunrise released four OVA episodes. The first two are compilations recapping the TV series, while the third is a new story set during the series and the fourth is a sequel set after the show. 


NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Round Vernians or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.

Vifam Info

Takeyuki Kanda

Hideki Tonokatsu
Hiroyuki Hoshiyama
Yasushi Hirano
Tsunehisa Ito
Satoshi Namiki

Mechanical Designer:
Kunio Okawara

Character Designer:
Toyoo Ashida

Musical Composer:
Toshiyuki Watanabe

46 episodes (TV); 4 episodes (OVA)

Japan 10.21.1983 – 09.21.1984

Video Release (OVA):
Japan 10.28.1984 – 09.25.1985


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