Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Blue Knight Berserga Story is a four-volume novel series released exclusively in Japan from 1985-1987. Initially published in Dual Magazine, it was written by Masanori Hama with illustrations by Hiroyuki Hataike. The story focuses on Kain McDougal, a former AT pilot who enters the Battling arena to track down his best friend’s killer. The novels were later adapted into a 1997 PlayStation 1 game published by Takara. The game was distributed in North America as an import titled Blue Saber Knights.
Armored Troopers
ATH-14-BTS Rising Tortoise
ATH-Q60 Gray Berserga
ATH-Q63-BTS Berserga BTS
ATH-Q63/BTS-II-SX Berserga Super Execution
ATL-KH1-FX Warrior-1
ATL-05 Poisonous Crab
ATM-09-SC Wheeldog
ATM-09-ST-CBS Death Messenger
ATM-FX-1 Calamity Dog
ATM-FX-∞/SSS-X Testa Rossa
B-ATM-03-BTS Funny Devil
B-ATM-X1 Pot Belly
Shadow Flare
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Armored Troopers or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.