Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Steel Force is a video game released exclusively in Japan for the Sony PlayStation 1 in 1999. Published by Takara, it is a strategy RPG focusing on battles between the Gilgamesh and Balarant during the Hundred Years War.
Armored Troopers
ATH-06-SNC Sliding Beetle
ATH-06-SNHMC Sliding Beetle HMC
ATH-12-SNC Fiercely Dog
ATH-14-SNC Sledge Tortoise
ATH-14-SNHMC Sledge Tortoise HMC
ATH-14-SNSTC Sledge Tortoise STC
ATH-14-STC Standing Tortoise STC
ATH-14-STHAC Standing Tortoise HAC
ATH-14-WPSTC Standing Turtle STC
ATM-04-ST Exert Cattle
ATM-06-MC Masquerade Kong MC
ATM-06-ST Masquerade Kong
ATM-08-MC Spending Wolf
* ATM-09-RC Bounty Dog
ATM-09-SNC Avalanche Dog
ATM-09-SNHMC Avalanche Dog HMC
ATM-09-SNSTC Avalanche Dog STC
ATM-09-WPHMC Marshydog HMC
ATM-09-WPSTC Marshydog STC
X-ATM-01 Erdspinne
Armored Troopers
B-ATM-02-DT Blocker Ground Custom
B-ATM-02-ST Blocker
B-ATM-03-SNSTC Fatty Snow Field Type STC
B-ATM-03-STC Fatty STC
B-ATM-05-HMC Fatty Ground Custom HMC
B-ATM-05-STC Fatty Ground Custom STC
B-ATM-06-SNHMC Fatty Snow Combat Type HMC
B-ATM-06-SNST Fatty Snow Combat Type
B-ATM-08-WP Fatty Marsh Custom
B-ATM-08-WPHMC Fatty Marsh Custom HMC
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Armored Troopers or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.