Unit type: modified assault metal armor
Head height: 17.5 meters
Weight: dry weight 91.7 tons; maximum weight 141.4 tons
Output: 250,000 pounds (dry); 380,000 pounds (CMP); 2 x main nozzle, 4 x attitude control nozzle
Mass ratio: 0.884 (dry); 1.344 (CMP)
Powerplant: Type JTF-7L miniaturized fusion reactor
Combat maximum power operation time: 24 seconds
CMP cool-down period: 4 seconds (CMP for 5 seconds or less); 16 seconds (CMP for 24 seconds)
Armor: Simole A type passive armor; maximum thickness 280mm
Equipment and design features: Type AS5 image sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x 200mm railcannon, mounted on backpack over shoulders (32 rounds per minute, 120 rounds, uses standard, HE, and plasma ammunition); 2 x 3-tube 200mm rocket pod, mounted on hips; 2 x 2-tube 150mm rocket pod, mounted in forearms; 25mm machine gun, mounted in chest
Optional hand armaments: Type SSX7 75mm hand railgun (1,800 rounds per minute, 455 rounds, fires standard and HE ammunition); bazooka
Pilot: Karl Geiner
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara


Rear view


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