ATH-14-WP Standing Turtle

General and Technical Data

Model number: ATH-14-WP
Code name: Standing Turtle
Unit type: waterproofed heavy-class armored trooper
Manufacturer(s): Gilgamesh Confederation/Melkian Federation; Veela
Operator: Veela
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso/head
Dimensions: overall height 4.022 meters, 2.312 meters (standby mode); overall width 2.117 meters; overall depth 2.123 meters
Weight: dry 8.264 metric tons; full 8.511 metric tons
Armor materials: unknown material, armor thickness 5-15mm
Powerplant: unknown
Muscle cylinder system: 1P-LK-S4
Polymer ringers (PR) liquid type: DT-MO
PR liquid power: 10.2 hp per liter squared
PR liquid capacity: 190 liters
Reserve PR liquid tank capacity: 45 liters with PRSP (polymer ringers solution purification) system
PR liquid replacement time: 82 hours
Performance: gliding wheel speed (dry weight): 51 km/h; gliding wheel speed (full combat weight): 40 km/h; gliding wheel power: 320 hp; gliding wheel torque: 70 kg/m; swamp clog speed (dry weight): 42 km/h; swamp clog speed (full combat weight): 38 km/h; swamp clog power: 300 hp; swamp clog torque: 65 kg/m
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; MCT-211-C control computer
Fixed armaments: 2 x 11mm machine gun, mounted in torso; 2 x arm punch, uses replaceable cartridges
Optional fixed armaments: 2 x SMAT-32 6-tube missile launcher, mounted on shoulders
Optional hand armaments: FTAT-16 flamethrower; HMAT-38 missile launcher, mounts 8 missiles; HRAT-23 4-tube rocket launcher; X-SAT-01 50mm solid shooter bazooka; HRAT-30 22-tube rocket gun

Technical and Historical Notes

The ATH-14-WP Standing Turtle was a waterproofed variant of the ATH-14-ST Standing Tortoise. In addition to the waterproofing, the Standing Turtle was equipped with swamp clogs for underwater movement. The Standing Turtle’s standard armament included the arm punch and torso-mounted machine guns. It could also carry the same optional armaments used by the Standing Tortoise. The Standing Turtle was heavily used by Veela guerillas fighting against the Assemble EX-10 mercenary force on planet Melkia’s Kummen jungle region.

Miscellaneous Information

Pilot(s): Chirico Cuvie, Fyana (aka Proto-One), Pol Potaria, Bully Kiderra
First appearance: Armored Trooper VOTOMS
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara



Armored Trooper VOTOMS Info

Ryosuke Takahashi

Ryosuke Takahashi
Soji Yoshikawa
Toshi Gobu
Jinzo Toriumi

Mechanical Designer:
Kunio Okawara

Character Designer:
Norio Shioyama

Musical Composer:
Hiroki Inui

52 episodes; 4 compilation OVAs

Japan 04.01.1983 – 03.23.1984


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