Armored Trooper VOTOMS is a TV series that aired in Japan from 1983-1984. Directed by Ryosuke Takahashi, its creative staff includes mechanical designer Kunio Okawara, character designer Norio Shioyama and composer Hiroki Inui. The series is set in Astragius Year 7214 in a galaxy torn apart by a century-long war between the Gilgamesh Confederation and the Balarant Union. The story focuses on Chirico Cuvie, a Gilgamesh Armored Trooper (AT) pilot who stumbles upon a major secret at the war’s end and is embroiled in a conspiracy that spans the galaxy. The success of VOTOMS led to multiple OVA sequels, most of which focus on Chirico. The TV series was initially released on home video in North America by Central Park Media, but it has since been re-released by Sentai Filmworks’ Maiden Japan label.
Armored Troopers
* ATH-Q58 Berserga DT
* ATM-09-RSC Scopedog Red Shoulder Custom
* ATM-09-SSC Purple Bear
* ATM-09-ST Scopedog
* ATM-09-STC Strong Bacchus
Vehicles and Support Units
Armored Troopers
* ATH-14-SA Standing Tortoise Mark-II
* ATH-14-ST Standing Tortoise
* ATH-14-WPC Snapping Turtle
* ATM-09-GC Brutishdog
* ATM-09-SA Scopedog II
* X-ATH-02 Strike Dog
* X-ATH-02-DT Rabidly Dog
* X-ATL-01-DT Zwerg
Vehicles and Support Units
* Ghel class (Space Battleship X)
* LCM-05-AT AT Landing Craft
* Secret Society Flagship
* Teltain
Armored Troopers
* ATM-09-SA Scopedog II
* ATM-09-ST Scopedog
Vehicles and Support Units
ATC-AFV-02 Armored Flying Vehicle
ATC-BR-03S Dog Carrier
ATP-FPH-05 Descent Pod
GF-26 Taromatel
Gilga class
GMBT-178 Tank
* LCM-05-AT AT Landing Craft
Ovano class
SF-24-DH Space Fighter
* Teltain
* TH-32-AT AT Fly
Armored Troopers
* B-ATM-01 Blocker
* B-ATM-03 Fatty
Vehicles and Support Units
B-FH-14 Peteshia
B-MAV-19 Scarab
B-RAC-08-AT AT Carry
B-SFTV-105 Zarhat
Leslion class
Meez class
Armored Troopers
* ATH-06-WP Diving Beetle
* ATH-Q64 Berserga WP
* ATM-09-WR Marshydog
Vehicles and Support Units
AH-82 Combat Helicopter
GMBT-178 Tank
* TH-32-AT AT Fly
Armored Troopers
* ATH-14-ST Standing Tortoise
* ATH-14-WP Standing Turtle
Vehicles and Support Units
GMBT-178 Tank
* TH-32-AT AT Fly
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Armored Troopers or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Armored Trooper VOTOMS Info
Ryosuke Takahashi
Ryosuke Takahashi
Soji Yoshikawa
Toshi Gobu
Jinzo Toriumi
Mechanical Designer:
Kunio Okawara
Character Designer:
Norio Shioyama
Musical Composer:
Hiroki Inui
52 episodes; 4 compilation OVAs
Japan 04.01.1983 – 03.23.1984