Model number: unknown
Code name: Dicitus (Iuridus Sinistra Dicitus, Libertas Dextra Dicitus)
Unit type: custom transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: Jupiter Empire
Operator: Jupiter Empire
First deployment: UC 0136
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: unknown
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown 
Propulsion: rocket thrusters, output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; I-field generator
Fixed armaments: mega particle cannon, mounted in head; 4 x beam claw, mounted one in each forearm and foot; 2 x beam gun, mounted on left shoulder (Iuridus Sinistra Digitus)/right shoulder (Libertas Dextra Digitus)
Optional hand armaments: large beam ax

Developed for the final defense of the Zeus’ Thunderbolt, the Dicitus were a pair of custom mobile suits designed for the twin Presidents of Jupiter, Callisto. Despite the differing names, the two machines (Iuridus Sinistra Dicitus and Libertas Dextra Dicitus) were effectively identical. Like the Cornigs, the Dicitus were next generation mobile suits whose abilities far exceeded those of any mobile suit currently being developed within the Earth Sphere. Their mobile suit forms boasted high mobility to challenge any enemy, while their monstrous mobile armor forms could concentrate the I-field generated by their limbs. The ultimate intent was to produce a pair of machines that the enemy could never even touch. However, in a way the Dicitus’ extreme speed and mobility could be seen as their fatal flaw. In development, it was discovered that the I-field didn’t cover the Dicitus’ backs; the Callisto twins brushed this off as unimportant, assuming that no mobile suit would ever be able to get around behind them.

Pilot(s): Callisto’s Shadow (Iuridus Sinistra Dicitus), Callisto’s Light (Libertas Dextra Dicitus)
First appearance: Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: The Steel Seven
Original mechanical designer: Yuichi Hasegawa
Note: custom color lineart by AmuroNT1


The Steel Seven Info

Yuichi Hasegawa

Yuichi Hasegawa

Mechanical Designer(s):
Yuichi Hasegawa
Hajime Katoki

3 volumes

Manga Release:
Japan 05.26.2006 – 07.26.2007


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