Model number: E-SPT-DL-X
Code name: Doll
Unit type: general purpose mass production super powered tracer
Manufacturer: Earth Liberation Front
Operator: Earth Liberation Front
Rollout: October AD 1999
First deployment: 30 December AD 1999
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in head
Dimensions: overall height 10.88 meters, head height 9.64 meters
Weight: max gross 12.40 metric tons
Armor materials: unknown; thickness 135mm
Powerplant: fuel cell; engine output 167 PU
Propulsion: 2 x 8,740 kg; attitude control verniers: 8
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.41 G
Equipment and design features: sensors, sensitivity -52.3 dB
Fixed armaments: 2 x knuckle shot, mounted on hands; 2 x shield mounted on forearms; foot- and backpack-mounted wheels; detachable backpack, can be used to aid in ground mobility
Optional hand armaments: 2-barrel lasered rifle

In 1996, the conventional power of Earth’s militaries proved completely inferior to the technological might of the Gradosian SPT. As a result, the Gradosian Empire conquered the planet and began a harsh occupation. In late 1999, Dr. Elizabeth Krebley and John Gilbert secretly worked in an underground factory to develop Earth’s first native SPT, the E-SPT-DL-X Doll. The Doll’s design was created by studying the SPT-LZ-00X Layzner and reverse engineering a captured SPT-BV-15C Braver and SPT-DT-25C Dtol. The Doll borrowed the wheels used by the Dtol for ground combat, with a twist. The Doll’s backpack allowed for atmospheric flight, but it could also detach and serve as a ground mobility aid with its wheels. The Doll’s armaments included a pair of knuckle shots and a 2-barrel lasered rifle. Eiji Asuka served as a test pilot to work out the Doll’s mobility problems during its development. In October, David Rutherford revealed the Doll’s existence to the world by using an incomplete unit in battle to rescue Julia Asuka. The completed Dolls made their formal combat debut on December 30 when deployed to protect the Seal of Grados at Peru’s Nazca Lines.

Pilot(s): Albatro Nal Eiji Asuka, David Rutherford, Simone Refrain
First appearance: Blue Comet SPT Layzner
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara






Rear view

Layzner Info

Ryosuke Takahashi

Ryosuke Takahashi
Fuyunori Gobu
Yasushi Hirano
Tsunehisa Ito
Hiroyuki Hoshiyama
Endo Miego

Mechanical Designer:
Kunio Okawara

Character Designer:
Moriyasu Taniguchi

Musical Composer:
Hiroki Inui

38 episodes; 3 compilation OVAs

Japan 10.03.1985 – 06.26.1986

38 episodes (TV); 3 episodes (OVA)

Video Release (OVA):
Japan 08.21.1986 – 10.21.1986


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