Model number: F89
Code name: Gundam F89
Unit type: prototype test mobile suit
Manufacturer: SNRI (Strategic Naval Research Institute)
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: unknown
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: total output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown;  hardpoint, used for mounting external weapons, armor, and equipment, located on backpack
Fixed armaments: none
Optional fixed armaments: 2 x beam cannon, mounted on long-range attack pack; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in high mobility pack, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle; long beam rifle; axe rifle; shield, mounted on left forearm

In the early UC 100s, SNRI’s “Formula Project” sought to create next generation miniaturized mobile suits to completely revamp the lineup of the Earth Federation Forces. Because of this technological hurdle, SNRI first developed the F89 Gundam F89 as a standard size mobile suit that would serve as a testbed for miniaturization that was later implemented in the F90 Gundam F90. Although the Gundam F89’s frame was newly designed, it was also compatible with existing parts manufactured by Anaheim Electronics. In addition to its larger size, the Gundam F89 demonstrated higher performance than the Gundam F90. The Gundam F89 was capable of mounting different mission packs, a concept greatly expanded later on by the Gundam F90. However, the Gundam F89 was limited to a high mobility pack and a long-range attack pack. The Gundam F89 had no fixed armaments in its basic configuration, but its long-range attack pack included two beam cannons and its high mobility pack a pair of beam sabers. It could also carry a long beam rifle and an FD-03-13 Gustav Karl Type-13 shield. In UC 0112, pilot Gideon Blondin used the Gundam F89 in a mock battle against Patsy Angelika’s F90F Gundam F90 F-Type, with Patsy emerging as the victor. Gideon would pilot the Gundam in multiple battles over the next few years and was ultimately killed in combat in UC 0116 against the MSA-0120 Draig. Five decades later, Frank Oz salvaged two Gundam F89 frames, one of which was used to become the “mixing build” Anchor. The other, restored to its original condition, was given to Jean Dauvin.

Pilot(s): Gideon Blondin, Misma Muerte, Jean Dauvin
First appearance: Mobile Suit Cross Born Gundam: Dust
Original mechanical designer(s): Yuichi Hasegawa (Cross Born Gundam: Dust version), Kunio Okawara (Gundam F90: Fastest Formula version)


Axe rifle (Version 1)


High mobility backpack (Version 1)


Long-range attack backpack (Version 1)


Rear view (Version 1, no backpack)


Rear view (Version 1, equipped with high mobility backpack)


Rear view (Version 1, equipped with long-range attack backpack)


Rear view (Version 2, equipped with high mobility backpack)

Cross Born Gundam: Dust Info

Yuichi Hasegawa

Yuichi Hasegawa

Mechanical Designer:
Yuichi Hasegawa

13 volumes

Manga Release:
Japan 07.xx.2016 – 12.26.2020


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