
F91 Gundam F91 Back Cannon Type


Model number: F91
Code name: Gundam F91 Back Cannon Type
Unit type: prototype general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Strategic Naval Research Institute
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Rollout: July UC 0116
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 15.2 meters
Weight: unknown
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: total output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; bio-computer system; weapon mount, used to carry beam rifle or beam launcher, located on rear skirt armor plate; heat radiation fins, mounted in shoulders
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, mounted in head; 2 x mega machine cannon, mounted in torso; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in left hip armor, hand-carried in use; beam shield, mounted on left forearm; spare beam shield, stored on right hip armor; 2 x 4-barrel beam Gatling, mounted on backpack, hand-operated in use; 2 x missile launcher, each launcher mounts 2 x anti-ship missile, mounted on beam Gatling
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by replaceable e-pac, can be stored on weapon mount; beam launcher, powered by replaceable e-pac, can be stored on weapon mount

The F91 Gundam F91 Back Cannon Type was a variation on the standard F91 Gundam F91. The Back Cannon Type featured different shoulder armor than the regular Gundam F91 and included four radiator fins in each shoulder rather than three. It also replaced the Gundam F91’s pair of Variable Speed Beam Rifles (VSBR) with a pair of 4-barrel beam Gatlings that each mounted a missile launcher carrying anti-ship missiles.

First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam F91 MSV
Original mechanical designer:
 Kunio Okawara






Rear view


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