Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory is an OVA series released in Japan from 1991-1992. It was directed by Takashi Imanishi with mechanical designs from Shoji Kawamori and Hajime Katoki, character designs by Toshihiro Kawamoto and a score by Mitsuo Hagita. Set in UC 0083, three years have passed since the devastating One Year War between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. However, rookie pilot Kou Uraki is drawn into a new conflict when Zeon remnants known as the Delaz Fleet steal a nuclear-armed Gundam to renew their struggle against the Federation. In addition to the 1992 compilation movie The Afterglow of Zeon, two shorts titled The Mayfly of Space were also produced. The series has aired in North America on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim block and is available on home video from Nozomi Entertainment, having previously been released by Bandai Entertainment.
Mobile Weapons
* MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2
* MS-14F Gelgoog Marine
* RB-79 Ball
* RB-79C Ball Type C
* RGC-83 GM Cannon II
* RGM-79 GM
* RGM-79 Powered GM
* RGM-79C GM Type C
* RGM-79N GM Custom
* RGM-79Q GM Quel
* RX-78GP01 Gundam GP01 Zephyranthes
* RX-78GP01Fb Gundam GP01Fb Zephyranthes Full Burnern
* RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02A Physalis
* RX-78GP03 Gundam GP03 Dendrobium
* RX-78GP03S Gundam GP03S Dendrobium Stamen
Vehicles and Support Units
* Alexandria class
* Birmingham class
* C-88 Medea
* Columbus class (modified)
* Command Vehicle
* FF-XII Core Fighter II
* FF-XIIFb Core Fighter IIFb
* Magellan class (modified)
* Patrol Vessel
* Pegasus class (Albion)
* Pegasus class (Gray Phantom)
* Pegasus class (Troy Horse)
* Salamis class (modified)
* Trailer
Mobile Weapons
* AGX-04 Gerbera-Tetra
* AMX-002 Neue Ziel
* MA-06 Val-Walo
* MS-06F Zaku II
* MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2
* MS-09F/Trop Dom Tropen
* MS-09R Rick Dom
* MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II
* MS-14A Gelgoog
* MS-14F Gelgoog Marine
* MS-14Fs Cima Garahau’s Gelgoog Marine
* MS-21C Dra-C
* MS-21D1 Dra-C Custom (picture drama only)
* RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02A Physalis
* YMS-09R-2 Prototype Rick Dom Zwei (picture drama only)
* YMS-16M Xamel
Vehicles and Support Units
* Cargo Ship
* Gwanban class
* Gwazine class
* Hohsenka
* Jukon class (refit)
* Komusai II
* MS Landing Ship
* Musai class (late production type)
* Papua class
* Pazock class
* Zanzibar II class
Vehicles and Support Units
* Colony Corporation Ship
* La Vie en Rose class
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gundam 0083 Info
Takashi Imanishi
Mitsuko Kase
Fuyunori Gobu
Ryosuke Takahashi
Akinori Endo
Tomohide Ohkuma
Mechanical Designer(s):
Hajime Katoki
Shoji Kawamori
Mika Akitaka
Junya Ishigaki
Yasushi Ishizu
Character Designer:
Toshihiro Kawamoto
Musical Composer:
Mitsuo Hagita
13 episodes; 1 compilation movie
Video Release:
Japan 05.23.1991 – 09.24.1992
U.S. 01.22.2002 – 07.23.2002
Theatrical Release:
Japan 08.29.1992