M-MSV (Kunio Okawara Collection) is an original design series created in 1990. These variations, published in SD Club magazine, featured designs spanning the Universal Century timeline from the original Mobile Suit Gundam series through Char’s Counterattack. In universe context, these “missing” variations were made public in UC 0100 following their declassification. Various M-MSV designs have made appearances in video games and manga.
Mobile Weapons
* FA-78-3 Full Armor Gundam 7th
* HFA-78-3 Heavy Armed FA Gundam
* MRX-007 Prototype Psycho Gundam
* MRX-011 Psycho Gundam Mass Production Type
* RAG-79 Aqua GM
* RAG-79-G1 Gundam Marine Type
* RGM-79F Desert GM
* RGM-79F GM Ground Type
* RX-77-1A Guncannon A
* RX-78-4 Gundam 4th
* RX-78-5 Gundam 5th
* RX-78-6 Gundam 6th
* RX-78-7 Gundam 7th
* RX-81LA G-Line Light Armor
* RX-81ST G-Line Standard Armor
* RX-94 Mass Production Type v Gundam
Mobile Weapons
* MS-04 Prototype Zaku
* MS-06R-3S Zaku II R-3S
* MSM-02 Hydro Test Type
* MSM-03-1 Prototype Gogg
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.