Model number: OMA-05-2RFN
Code name: RF Gromlin II
Unit type: mobile armor
Manufacturer: Mars Independent Zeon Forces (Oldsmobile Army)
Operator: Legacy
Rollout: UC 0116
Accommodation: multiple crew in bridge
Dimensions: overall length 199.7 meters
Weight: unknown
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 54, 490 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 3,230,200 kg total
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; I-field beam-deflecting barrier generator; bio-computer
Fixed armaments: 2 x rail cannon; mounted on main body; many x micro-missile launcher, mounted on main body; 4 x 120mm anti-aircraft cannon, mounted on main body; 40 x concealed mega particle cannon turret, mounted on main body; 8 x deflection mega particle cannon, mounted on main body; 2 x diffuse mega particle cannon, mounted on main body; hyper mega particle cannon, mounted on main body
Remote weapons: 2 x child bit, can generate large beam saber; many x drum funnel x many x tentacle bit

The OMA-05-2RFN RF Gromlin II was a mobile armor developed by the Oldsmobile Army and fielded by the Zeon remnant group Legacy. It was an improved and downsized version of the MAN-05-2 Gromlin II designed by the Principality of Zeon in the One Year War. The massive RF Gromlin II was equipped with a bridge and featured a bio-computer that also implemented a bio-hacking system for use against Newtypes. It was also capable of generating a protective I-field. The RF Gromlin II’s armaments included tentacle bits, child bits, drum funnels, hyper mega particle cannons, various mega particle cannons, rail cannons, anti-aircraft guns and missile launchers. In UC 0116, Legacy leader Rhein Dragun fielded the RF Gromlin II with Newtype Matrika Vikara serving as its core. Legacy planned to capture the orbital anti-asteroid cannon Trimurti and fire it at Earth. Ultimately, Legacy’s plans were unsuccessful.

First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula
Original mechanical designer: Yasuhiro Moriki


F90 Fastest Formula Info

Nobuyoshi Ino

Kiyoshi Konoya

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Yasuhiro Moriki

Character Designer:
Sejoon Kim

11 volumes

Manga Release:
Japan 08.xx.2019 – 04.xx.2024


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