
PMX-000 Messala


Model number: PMX-000
Code name: Messala
Unit type: prototype general purpose transformable mobile armor
Manufacturer: Titans
Operator: Titans
First deployment: UC 0087
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: mobile suit mode: overall height 30.3 meters, head height 23.0 meters; mobile armor mode: unknown
Weight: empty 37.3 metric tons; max gross 89.1 metric tons; mass ratio 1.97
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 4,900 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 96,000 kg total (6 x 16,000 kg); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 8
Performance: maximum speed Mach 30.0 (mobile armor mode)
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 11,300 meters
Fixed armaments: 2 x beam saber, power rated at 0.5 MW, stored in recharge racks in forearms, hand-carried in use; 2 x mega particle gun, mounted in backpack booster binders, power rated at 11.3 MW; 2 x 9-tube missile pod, mounted in shoulders; 4 x vulcan gun, mounted in pairs in forearms; 2 x grenade launcher, 3 round magazine per launcher, mounted in forearms; 2 x vice claw, mounted on forearms
Optional hand armaments: none

When Jupiter Energy Fleet captain Paptimus Scirocco returned to the Earth Sphere aboard his resource carrier ship Jupitris during the Gryps War, he brought along his personal handmade transformable mobile armor, the PMX-000 Messala. A large unit equipped with powerful thrusters to operate under Jupiter’s high gravitational pull, the Messala was extremely fast and agile when he operated it in the normal gravitational forces of the Earth Sphere. Armed with a pair of heavy mega particle cannons and a pair of missile launchers, it packed almost as much firepower as a battleship. When transformed into its mobile suit mode, it also mounted grenade launchers, beam sabers, vulcan guns, and grappling vice claws, also making it highly effective in close-range combat. After initially piloting it in several battles, Scirocco handed the Messala down to two devoted loyalists: Sarah Zabiarov, and later on, AEUG traitor Reccoa Londe.

Pilot(s): Paptimus Scirocco, Sarah Zabiarov, Reccoa Londe
First appearance: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Original mechanical designer: Kazumi Fujita


Beam saber


Missile pod


Rear view (Mobile suit mode)


Rear view (Mobile armor mode)

Zeta Gundam Info


Yoshiyuki Tomino

Hiroshi Ohnogi
Yumiko Suzuki
Tomoko Kawasaki
Yasushi Hirano
Akinori Endo
Miho Maruo
Minoru Onoya

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kazumi Fujita
Mamoru Nagano
Kunio Okawara
Makoto Kobayashi
Kazuhisa Kondo
Hideo Okamoto

Character Designer:
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko

Musical Composer:
Shigeaki Saegusa

50 episodes; 3 compilation movies

Japan 03.02.1985 – 02.22.1986

Theatrical Release:
Japan 05.28.2005 – 03.04.2006


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