
RGM-111X Heavygun II


Model number(s): RGM-111X; RGM-109改; RGM-109II
Code name: Heavygun II
Unit type: prototype mobile suit
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Rollout: UC 0111
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 15.8 meters
Weight: empty weight unknown; max gross 23.3 metric tons
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy ceramic composite
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 3,070 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: total output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; weapon mount, used to carry beam rifle, located on rear skirt armor plate
Fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, mounted in head; 2 x 4-slot hand grenade rack, mounted on hip armor; beam saber, stored in recharge rack in unknown location, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle; hyper bazooka

The RGM-109 Heavygun was Anaheim Electronics’ first attempt at a miniaturized mobile suit. Based on its test data, Anaheim developed the refined Heavygun II, initially designated as RGM-111. However, in UC 0110 the EFF initiated the Advanced Tactical Mobile Suit (ATMS) project to select its next mainline mobile suit and thus canceled its orders for the RGM-111. Half of the Heavygun II team was reassigned to develop Anaheim’s ATMS design, the MSA-0120 Draig. The remaining team members continued to improve the design, which was redesignated as RGM-111X. Following the ATMS project, the EFF decided to adopt SNRI’s F-series mobile suits, although Anaheim’s help was needed in refining the F70 Cannon Gundam for mass production as the F71 G-Cannon. Development data from the Heavygun II was integrated into the F71. The Heavygun II’s armaments included vulcan guns, a beam rifle, a beam saber, a hyper bazooka and a pair of 4-tube grenade racks.

Pilot: Arthur Nightley
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam F90: Fastest Formula
Original mechanical designer: Yasuhiro Moriki


F90 Fastest Formula Info

Nobuyoshi Ino

Kiyoshi Konoya

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Yasuhiro Moriki

Character Designer:
Sejoon Kim

11 volumes

Manga Release:
Japan 08.xx.2019 – 04.xx.2024


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