Model number:Â RMS-006
Code name:Â Jenice
Unit type:Â mass production general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer:Â Space Revolutionary Army
Operator(s):Â Space Revolutionary Army; Satelicon; Vulture; miscellaneous civilians
First deployment:Â pre-A.W. 0001
Accommodation:Â pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions:Â head height 16.6 meters
Weight:Â empty 7.7 metric metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Armor materials:Â unknown
Powerplant:Â ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion:Â unknown
Equipment and design features:Â sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments:Â 2 x machine cannon, mounted in torso; 2 x vulcan gun, mounted in torso
Optional hand armaments: 100mm machine gun w/beam saber; beam rifle; heat hawk; heat saber
The mainstay mobile suit used by Space Revolutionary Army during the 7th Space War, the RMS-006 Jenice was worthwhile as a mass produced, general purpose unit for the average soldier. The Jenice was armed with a pair of vulcan guns in its upper torso, along with a pair of machine cannons in its lower torso. In addition, the Jenice could be equipped with hand armaments such as a 100mm machine gun, a beam rifle, a heat hawk and a heat saber. Surprisingly, many Jenice units which reached Earth during the war survived the cataclysmic final battles. In the aftermath of this apocalypse, Jenice units found their way into the hands of many parties. Not surprisingly, many Jenice units were often modified or cosmetically customized by their pilots/owners.
First appearance: After War Gundam X
Original mechanical designer: Junya Ishigaki
Gundam X Info
Shinji Takamatsu
Hiroyuki Kawasaki
Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Junya Ishigaki
Character Designer:
Nobuyoshi Nishimura
Musical Composer:
Yasuo Higuchi
39 episodes
Japan 04.05.1996 – 12.28.1996