Model number:Â RX-110
Code name:Â Gabthley
Unit type:Â prototype transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer:Â Earth Federation Forces
Operator:Â Titans
Rollout:Â August UC 0087
First deployment:Â UC 0087
Accommodation:Â pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions:Â mobile suit mode: head height 18.5 meters; mobile armor mode: overall length 26.5 meters, unarmed length 19.2 meters
Weight:Â empty 32.6 metric tons; max gross 56.2 metric tons; mass ratio 1.42
Armor materials:Â Gundarium alloy
Powerplant:Â Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1,800 kW
Propulsion:Â rocket thrusters: 302,400 kg total (2 x 12,600 kg, 22 x 12,600 kg (operable on mobile armor mode only)); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 16
Performance:Â maximum speed Mach 25.0 (mobile armor mode)
Equipment and design features:Â sensors, range 10,900 meters
Fixed armaments:Â 2 x mega particle canon, power rated at 4.2 MW, mounted in shoulders; 4 x beam saber, power rated at 0.55 MW, stored in recharge racks in forearms, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments:Â Feyadeen beam rifle/saber, power rated at 6.6 MW, powered by rechargeable energy cap, stored on main body in mobile armor mode
The transformable mobile armor RX-110 Gabthley was an intended mass production unit conceptually developed by Paptimus Scirocco during the Gryps War. Several test units were fielded in combat, with positive results due to its unique design and high performance. In mobile armor mode, the Gabthley was one of the fastest units in the field, and the unique movable frame allowed the mobile suit mode’s feet to become claws in mobile armor mode, giving the mobile armor the ability to perform limited melee and grappling attacks. Its armament was quite extensive, including a powerful Feyadeen rifle and a pair of flexibly mounted beam cannons, making the Gabthley highly effective in both close- and long-range combat. However, the design was deemed too complicated and costly for mass production, and its development was dropped after the test stage. In addition to the regular test units, the Titans created two variants: the customized RX-110C Gabthley [Hugin] and the Cyber Newtype use RX-110NT-1 Gabthley [Munin].
Pilot(s): Jerid Messa, Mouar Pharoah, Dunkel Cooper
First appearance: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Original mechanical designer: Kazumi Fujita
Zeta Gundam Info
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Hiroshi Ohnogi
Yumiko Suzuki
Tomoko Kawasaki
Yasushi Hirano
Akinori Endo
Miho Maruo
Minoru Onoya
Mechanical Designer(s):
Kazumi Fujita
Mamoru Nagano
Kunio Okawara
Makoto Kobayashi
Kazuhisa Kondo
Hideo Okamoto
Character Designer:
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko
Musical Composer:
Shigeaki Saegusa
50 episodes; 3 compilation movies
Japan 03.02.1985 – 02.22.1986
Theatrical Release:
Japan 05.28.2005 – 03.04.2006