Model number: RX-121-2
Code name: Gundam TR-1 [Hazel II]
Unit type:
 prototype mobile suit
Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Titans
First deployment: August UC 0085
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: unknown
Armor materials: titanium alloy ceramic composite; Luna Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: total output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: beam saber, mounted on backpack storage rack, hand-carried in use; shield, mounted on left forearm
Optional fixed armaments: multipurpose launchers
Optional hand armaments: 90mm machine gun

The RX-121-2 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel II] was given a new color scheme when it formally entered service as Eliard Hunter’s machine. Its head was also equipped with an enhanced sensor unit like that of the original RX-121 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel]. From this point on, the tri booster unit became standard equipment for the Hazel II. Like the original Hazel, the Hazel II could be configured in Full Armor Form. Although Wes Murphy concluded that this armor was too heavy for the original Hazel, the Hazel II could overcome this handicap because it had high output thrusters in the form of a tri booster unit or double shield boosters.

Pilot: Eliard Hunter
First appearance: Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans
Original mechanical designer: Kenki Fujioka


Advance of Zeta Info

Bin Konno

Tatsu Mizuki (manga)

Mechanical Designer:
Kenki Fujioka

Character Designer:
Takuya Saito

6 volumes (novel); 4 volumes (manga)

Novel Release:
Japan 06.10.2003 – 02.15.2008

Manga Release:
Japan 12.15.2003 – 04.26.2007


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