The Star of Zeon – Mobile Suit in Action is a photo story released exclusively in Japan from 1986-1987. It is a side story to the 1985 TV series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. Written by Masaru Kamada and illustrated by Kenichi Nomoto, it was serialized in Hobby Japan magazine. The first part of the story focuses on DRAGOON 13, an Earth Federation Forces special unit comprised of former Zeon prisoners of war. The second part flashes back to the One Year War.
Mobile Weapons
RMS-108(d13)A Strike Marasai
RMS-108(d13)B Strike Marasai
RMS-154R(01) Barzam Commander Custom
Vehicles and Support Units
* Garuda class
MA-13HC Magella Attack Cannon
Mobile Weapons
MSK-008SR Dijeh
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Star of Zeon Info
Masaru Kamada
Kenichi Nomoto
9 chapters
Novel Release:
Japan 09.xx.1986 – 08.xx.1987