Model number: TKG-333
Code name: Kapell-Geo
Unit type:Â general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer:Â Hammerfield Corporation
Operator:Â civilians
First deployment:Â unknown
Accommodation:Â pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions:Â head height 17.8 meters
Weight: max gross weight 58.7 metric tons
Armor materials:Â unknown
Powerplant:Â unknown
Propulsion:Â unknown
Equipment and design features:Â sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x shield beam cannon, mounted over hands in use
Optional hand armaments: heat nata
The TKG-333 Kapell-Geo was a mobile suit manufactured by the Hammerfield Corporation. This lightweight machine was armed with detachable shield beam cannons and a heat nata. In A.S. 122, it participated in a duel at the Asticassia School of Technology. In A.S. 122, Asticassia School of Technology student Jeffrey Eastcott piloted a Kapell-Geo in the Rumble Ring duel event and was defeated by Suletta Mercury’s XVX-016RN Gundam Aerial Rebuild.
Pilot: Jeffrey Eastcott
First appearance:Â Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
Original mechanical designer:Â Kenji Teraoka
The Witch from Mercury Info
Hiroshi Kobayashi
Ichiro Okouchi
Mechanical Designer(s):
Kanetake Ebikawa
Wataru Inata
Ippei Gyoubu
Kenji Teraoka
Ko Inaba
Takayuki Yanase
Character Designer(s):
Marie Tagashira
Juri Toida
Hirotoshi Takaya
Musical Composer:
Takashi Ohmama
25 episodes
Japan 10.02.2022 – 01.08.2023 (S1); 04.09.2023 – 07.02.2023 (S2)
Streaming 10.02.2022 – 01.08.2023 (S1); 04.09.2023 – 07.02.2023 (S2)