Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. ENGAGE is a smartphone app released in Japan in 2021 and internationally in 2023. Published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, it features characters and suits from multiple Universal Century anime series and side stories. It also includes an original story starring pilot Peche Montagne, following her adventures from the One Year War in UC 0079 through the First Neo Zeon War in U.C. 0088. Only game-original units are listed here.
Mobile Weapons
Engage Hamma
NRX-044BZ Musika
ORX-005 Gaplant Trainer
ORX-00Z Engage Zero Psycommu Test Type
ORX-00Z-2 Engage Zero INCOM Type
RGM-79SQ GM Shooter
RGM-89 Superb Jegan
RGM-89H Jegan Type H
RGM-89NT-1 Roswell Jegan
RMS-106AN Act Hi-Zack
RMS-108M Assault Marasai
RMS-179 GM II Weapon Tester
RGZ-95N ReZEL Type N
RX-9/B2 Narrative Gundam B2-Packs
RX-77D-4 Mass Produced Guncannon II
RX-78GPZ01 Engage Gundam
RX-78GPZ01 Engage Gundam Booster Equipment
RX-78GPZ01 Engage Gundam BWS Equipment
RX-78GPZ01 Engage Gundam Cannon Equipment
RX-78GPZ01 Engage Gundam Funnel Equipment
RX-78GPZ01 Engage Gundam Heavy Armor Equipment
RX-78GPZ01 Engage Gundam INCOM Equipment
RX-78GPZ01 Full Armor Engage Gundam Plan A
RX-78GPZ01 Full Armor Engage Gundam Plan B
RX-78GPZ01 Full Armor Engage Gundam Plan C
RX-78GPZ01 Super Engage Gundam
RX-78MS00Z Gundam Development Test No. 0 (Engage Zero)
RX-78MS00Z-B Engage Zero Additional Booster Equipment Type
RX-79[G]F Sliferail
RX-93 ν Gundam (Long-Range Fin Funnel and Hyper Mega Bazooka Launcher)
RX-110B Gabthley β
Mobile Weapons
XM-05 Berga-Giros Gillet Krueger Unit
Mobile Weapons
LM112E07/08 Assault-Buster Gun Smasher
Mobile Weapons
GSREX-110309 Ball Boy
GSREX-210608 Zack Pod
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.