
AEU-09Y812 Ali’s AEU Enact Custom


Model number: AEU-09Y812
Code name: Ali’s AEU Enact Custom
Unit type: custom transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: AEU (Advanced European Union)
Operator: PMC Trust
Rollout: AD 2307
First deployment: AD 2307
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 17.6 meters
Weight: max gross 66.2 metric tons
Armor materials:
Powerplant: solar energy system, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: 4 x hydrogen plasma jet engine, total output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 20mm machine gun, mounted near left hip joint; defense rod, mounted on left arm; large sonic blade, can generate plasma sword, mounted on left elbow, hand-carried in use; many x missiles, stored in legs
Optional hand armaments: blade rifle, can equip missile launcher with 4 x missile, mounts as nose in flight mode

The AEU-09Y812 Ali’s AEU Enact Custom was an improved version of the AEU-09 AEU Enact created by Moralia’s PMC Trust, which had a working relationship with the Advanced European Union. The “Y” in its model number indicated that it was a prototype, while the number “812” denoted it as the second machine of the 81st category. The machine had enlarged power receiving antennae on the head and shoulder armor. This increased the suit’s power supply and was done in preparation for equipping of beam weaponry in the future. Upon the request of pilot Ali al-Saachez, the suit’s weight was lowered through armor reduction, resulting in improved mobility. For identification purposes, this prototype machine was colored in blue, a color not used by Moralia’s regular army.

The unit’s main weapon was a blade rifle, which combined the functions of a linear rifle and carbon blade. The carbon blade slid forward when in use, and added side grips allowed the weapon to function as a gun sword. The rifle’s body could also be fitted with other attachments, including a missile launcher that housed four missiles that each contain 14 smaller missiles. The sonic blade/plasma sword was larger than the version on the standard Enact, and as such was mounted externally on the elbow joint. Like the normal Enact, the suit had a 20mm machine gun near the left hip joint. The weapon bays in the forearms and legs, which normally held sonic blades and missiles, respectively, were used for close combat weapons instead; the forearm bays could hold carbon daggers, grenades, smoke shells, adhesive shells, etc., while the leg bays could store long blades, Gatling guns, flamethrowers and napalm shells. In confronting Celestial Being, Ali had an uncomfortable reunion with GN-001 Gundam Exia pilot Setsuna F. Seiei, who previously served as a child soldier fighting for Ali in the Krugis Republic in 2301. The suit was later modified into the AEU-09Y812/A AEU Enact Custom Agrissa Type.

Pilot: Ali al-Saachez
First appearance:
 Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Original mechanical designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi




Defense rod


Rear view (Mobile suit mode)


Rear view (Flight mode)


Sonic blade

Gundam 00 Info

Seiji Mizushima

Yousuke Kuroda

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kanetake Ebikawa
Takayuki Yanase
Hitoshi Fukuchi
Kenji Teraoka
Naohiro Washio
Kunio Okawara
Seiichi Nakatani

Character Designer(s):
Yun Kouga
Michinori Chiba

Musical Composer:
Kenji Kawai

50 episodes; 3 compilation movies

Japan 10.06.2007 – 03.29.2008 (S1);
10.05.2008 – 03.29.2009 (S2)
U.S. 11.24.2008 – 02.09.2009 (S1);
06.29.2009 – 09.21.2009 (S2)

Video Release (SE):
Japan 10.27.2009 – 02.23.2010
U.S. 09.04.2018


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