Class: Alexandria
Ships of the line: Alexandria, Al Giza, Al Qasr, Aswan, Belgrade, Gaunland, Hario, Kandahar, Key West, Luxor, Mesopotamia, Tel Aviv
Unit type: heavy cruiser
Manufacturer: Titans
Operator: Titans
First deployment: UC 0083
Dimensions: overall length 354.0 meters; overall width 98.0 meters
Weight: unknown
Propulsion: jet/rocket engine
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 4 x 2-barrel main beam cannon, mounted on top and bottom of middle section; 2 x beam cannon, mounted on port and starboard engine blocks; 4 x 2-barrel defensive turret, mounted on engine blocks and behind bridge; 4 x secondary turret, mounted above and below launch catapults
Mobile suits: 12
Launch catapults: 2

During the One Year War in UC 0079, the Earth Federation Forces deployed the new Pegasus class assault carriers, which were designed to internally accommodate mobile suits and featured launch catapults. After the war, this design trend continued with the creation of the Alexandria class heavy cruiser, which had some ships under construction as early as UC 0083 following the Delaz Fleet’s Operation Stardust. The Alexandria class could accommodate 12 mobile suits and had four launch catapults on the top and bottom of its bow. Ships were armed with multiple beam cannons and defensive gun turrets. By UC 0087, the Alexandria class was exclusively in use with the Titans, including two refit versions, the Hario and Aswan. In February UC 0088, the original Alexandria, commanded by Gady Kinsey, was destroyed by the Gryps 2 colony laser in the final battle of the Gryps War. The Alexandria class was removed from service following the dissolution of the Titans, but decades after their mothballing, the League Militaire refitted the Gaunland and brought it back to active service in UC 0153.

Captain(s): Gady Kinsey (Alexandria), Hank Ryan (Belgrade), Forma Guardner (Al Qasr), Emmet Brown (Mesopotamia), Nishizawa (Tel Aviv), Kilian (Luxor)
First appearance: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Original mechanical designer(s): Kazumi Fujita (Zeta Gundam version), Hajime Katoki (Gundam 0083 version)




Launch catapult


MS hangar


Rear view

Zeta Gundam Info

Yoshiyuki Tomino

Hiroshi Ohnogi
Yumiko Suzuki
Tomoko Kawasaki
Yasushi Hirano
Akinori Endo
Miho Maruo
Minoru Onoya

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kazumi Fujita
Mamoru Nagano
Kunio Okawara
Makoto Kobayashi
Kazuhisa Kondo
Hideo Okamoto

Character Designer:
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko

Musical Composer:
Shigeaki Saegusa

50 episodes; 3 compilation movies

Japan 03.02.1985 – 02.22.1986

Theatrical Release:
Japan 05.28.2005 – 03.04.2006


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