Mobile Suit Gundam 0079: Burning Pursuit is a gamebook novel released exclusively in Japan in 1986. Written by Hiroshi Yamaguchi, it was published by Keibunsha under their Hero Adventure Books series. Set near the end of the One Year War in UC 0079, the “choose your own adventure” story focuses on John Quest, a young Zeon mechanic who wants revenge after his African supply base was destroyed by the base’s own commander.
Mobile Weapons
* MS-06D Zaku Desert Type
* MS-07B Gouf
MS-07B Gouf High Mobility Backpack Type
* MS-09 Dom
* MS-14C Gelgoog Cannon
* MSM-07 Z’Gok
RMV-3 Guntank III
* YMS-09D Dom Tropical Test Type
Vehicles and Support Units
Big Dabude class
* Commu
* Samson
Mobile Weapons
* RGC-80 GM Cannon
RGM-79 GM High Mobility Backpack Type
RGM-79A GM Light Armor
* RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom
RMV-3 Guntank II
RMV-3 Guntank III
RX-77-3 Guncannon II
Vehicles and Support Units
* AF-01 Mongoose
* Big Tray class
F-79 Core Booster
M74-A4 Type 74 Cruising Tank
M78-A Type 78 Floating Tank
MR75 Gunner Vehicle
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.