
GF13-051NE Pharaoh Gundam XIII


Model number: GF13-051NE
Code name: Pharaoh Gundam XIII
Unit type:
 mobile fighter
Nationality: Neo Egypt
First deployment: FC 60
Accommodation: pilot only, in 360 degree cockpit using Mobile Trace System
Dimensions: head height 16.6 meters
Weight: empty 7.8 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy super ceramic composite; rare metal hybrid multilayered materials
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: unknown
Ability points: power: 19.01; speed: 21.22; offense: 18.80; defense: 15.45; search: 16.23; adaptability: 21.34; total: 112.05
Fixed armaments: 4 x vulcan gun, mounted on head
Optional hand armaments: unknown

Neo Egypt’s entry in the 13th Gundam Fight was a continuation of earlier designs, such as the GF4-001NE Pharaoh Gundam IV, which was used by Dahal Muhammad in FC 16 to win the 3rd Gundam Fight. However, the GF13-051NE Pharaoh Gundam XIII piloted by Kaure Ramses didn’t make it far in the 13th Gundam Fight. At some point, Dahal and his Pharaoh Gundam IV were resurrected by the JDG-00X Devil Gundam, and Dahal soon went on a rampage. One night in Neo Egypt, he attacked the Pharaoh Gundam XIII and destroyed both the Gundam and its crew.

Pilot: Kaure Ramses
First appearance: Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara


Rear view

G Gundam Info

Yasuhiro Imagawa

Fuyunori Gobu
Ken Oketani
Hiroaki Kitajima
Ryota Yamaguchi
Fumihiko Shimo

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Hajime Katoki
Kimitoshi Yamane

Character Designer:
Hiroshi Osaka

Musical Composer:
Kouhei Tanaka

49 episodes

Japan 04.22.1994 – 03.31.1995
U.S. 08.05.2002 – 10.16.2002


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