
GN-XXX+GNR-000 Sefer Rasiel


Model number: GN-XXX+GNR-000
Code name: Sefer Rasiel
Unit type: prototype mobile suit
Manufacturer: Celestial Being
Operator: Celestial Being
Rollout: AD 2302
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 18.1 meters
Weight: max gross 90.4 metric tons (Form 5)
Armor materials:
Powerplant: GN Drive, power output rating unknown (original unit); GN Drive GN Condenser/Particle Tank (second recaptured “Black” unit)
Propulsion: GN verniers, total output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Trans-Am System (locked until AD 2308); optical camouflage; communication jamming
Fixed armaments: none
Optional fixed armaments: GN Proto Bit, amount and mounting location varies by form
Optional hand armaments: GN Beam Rifle; GN Shield, mounted on left forearm; 2 x GN Beam Saber, stored in GN Shield

The GN-XXX+GNR-000 Sefer Rasiel was formed by combining the GN-XXX Gundam Rasiel with the core block and GN Proto Bits of the GNR-000 GN Sefer. The Sefer Rasiel had higher firepower and mobility than the Gundam Rasiel by itself. By varying the number of Core Blocks and GN Proto Bits, the Sefer Rasiel could take up to five different forms. Higher forms generally required more GN Sefers to provide the Core Blocks and GN Proto Bits. The GN Proto Bits could be used as mounted beam cannons or remote weapons, and when mounted they improved the suit’s thrust in space. Form 1 was the basic form and featured one Core Block and two GN Proto Bits, while Form 2 had four bits. Form 3 used two Core Blocks and six bits, which were used primarily as beam cannons. Form 4 had one Core Block and 6-10 bits, which were used mainly as remote weapons. In this form, some bits were deployed until their energy was depleted and they returned to the suit for recharging. Form 5 was the strongest and represented the combination limit with two Core Blocks and eight bits. Thanks to GN Condensers housed within the Core Blocks, Form 5 coud deploy all of its bits at once.

Pilot Grave Violento controlled the bits, but the amount used by Form 5 was too much for him to handle alone. GN Sefer pilot Hixar Fermi could assist from the GN Pod when the load was too much for Grave. In a final battle against Beside Pain, a badly wounded Grave was forced to power the Sefer Rasiel with a GN Condenser due to all GN Drives being in use. With an operational time limit of 20 minutes, Grave ejected all armaments and used only a GN Beam Saber to conserve particles. Grave defeated Beside, but the Sefer Rasiel eventually ran out of power and was left to float in space with its dead pilot. A second Sefer Rasiel was built by the Innovators and powered by a GN Drive Tau. It was later recovered by Fereshte, repainted in its original colors and converted from using a GN Drive Tau to a GN Condenser/Particle Tank. This second unit was later piloted by Hixar.

Pilot(s): Grave Violento, Hixar Fermi
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam 00P
Original mechanical designer: Takayuki Yanase


GN Beam Rifle


GN Proto Bit


GN Shield


Rear view (Form 1)

Gundam 00P Info

Tomohiro Chiba

Mechanical Designer(s):
Hitoshi Fukuchi
Kenji Teraoka
Takayuki Yanase
Kanetake Ebikawa

Character Designer:
Taraku Uon

2 volumes

Novel Release:
Japan 12.xx.2007 – 12.xx.2009


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