Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 is a manga series released in Japan from 1993-1995. It is an adaptation of the 1979 TV series Mobile Suit Gundam. Written and illustrated by Kazuhisa Kondo, it was serialized in Cyber Comix and MS SAGA magazines. The manga follows the same story as the anime, but features mobile suits and vehicles illustrated in Kondo’s distinctive style. Viz released the series in North America from 2000-2003, but only covered the first nine volumes out of 12. It is now out of print.
Mobile Weapons
* FA-78-1 Full Armor Gundam
*Â RB-79 Ball
*Â RGM-79 GM
* RMV-1 Guntank
*Â RX-75-4 Guntank
* RX-77D Guncannon Mass Production Type
*Â RX-77-2 Guncannon
*Â RX-78-2 Gundam
Vehicles and Support Units
* Big Tray class
*Â CB-X5 Gunperry
* Columbus class
*Â Depp Rog
*Â Dish
*Â Don Escargot
*Â Dragonfly
*Â Fanfan
*Â FF-4 Toriares
*Â FF-X7 Core Fighter
*Â FF-X7Bst Core Booster
*Â Fly Manta
*Â G-Armor
*Â G-Bull
*Â G-Bull Easy
*Â G-Fighter
*Â G-Sky
*Â G-Sky Easy
* Himalaya class
* Magellan class
*Â Medea
* Pegasus class (White Base)
* Public class
*Â Salamis class
*Â Type 61 Tank
Mobile Weapons
* EMS-05 Acg
*Â MA-04X Zakrello
*Â MA-05 Bigro
*Â MA-08 Big-Zam
*Â MAM-07 Grublo
*Â MAN-03 Braw-Bro
*Â MAN-08 Elmeth
*Â MAX-03 Adzam
*Â MS-05B Zaku I
* MS-06E-3 Zaku Flipper
*Â MS-06F Zaku II
*Â MS-06S Zaku II (Commander Type)
*Â MS-07B Gouf
*Â MS-09 Dom
*Â MS-09R Rick Dom
*Â MS-14A Gelgoog
*Â MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type
*Â MSM-03 Gogg
*Â MSM-04 Acguy
* MSM-07 Z’Gok
* MSM-07S Char’s Z’Gok
* MSM-08 Zogok
*Â MSM-10 Zock
*Â MSN-02 Zeong
*Â YMS-15 GyanÂ
Vehicles and Support Units
*Â Chibe class
*Â Cui
* Dabude class
* Dolos class
*Â Dopp
*Â Fat Uncle
* Gallop class
*Â Gattle
*Â Gaw
*Â Gwazine class
*Â HT-01B Magella Attack
* Jicco class
*Â Jukon class
*Â Luggun
* Mad Angler class
* Musai class
* Papua class
* Pazock class
*Â Prober class
*Â Samson
*Â Sealance
*Â Sodon
* YS-11 Dodai YS
* Zanzibar class
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gundam 0079 Info
Kazuhisa Kondo
Kazuhisa Kondo
12 volumes
Manga Release:
Japan 08.05.1992 – 11.15.1995
U.S. xx.xx.2000 – xx.xx.2003