Gundam Build Fighters Honoo Try is a photonovel released exclusively in Japan from 2014-2015. It is a sequel to the photonovel Gundam Build Fighters Honoo and a side story to the TV series Gundam Build Fighters Try. Written by Tomohiro Chiba, it was serialized in Hobby Japan magazine. The story focuses on Tsubasa Souma, a teenager who participates in Gunpla Battle.
Mobile Weapons
Cyou-Kidou Zaku-Syougun
GN-10000 Transient Gundam Glacier
Kyozan no Phyco
MBS-04-Knight Glory Knight
MS-14Aaf Gelgoog [Team arstFaige Use]
MSZ-008CV Z II Honoo
MT-05J Hildolfr Wilde Sau
OZ-13MSNV Gundam Epyon Nova
RX-0(VXS) Unicorn Gundam Kiwami
SVMS-01FF Flag Flare
WD-M01MS ∀ Gundam Shin
YSM-001Ctr Try-Mock
XXXG-00W0BL Wing Gundam Zero Black
XXXG-00W0CV Wing Gundam Zero Honoo
XXXG-00W0FF Wing Gundam Zero Flame Feder
XXXG-01WF Wing Gundam Foschia
XXXG-01Wfa Wing Gundam Fenice Azure
ZGMF-1000S/HMC ZAKU Luftwaffe
ZGMF-2000S/HMC GOUF Luftwaffe
ZGMF-X09Ad Justice Gundam Dash
ZGMF-X10Afe Freedom Gundam Feder
ZGMF-X10AFF Freedom Gundam Flame Feder
ZGMF-X42SCV Destiny Gundam Honoo
027+@ Mokrello Schuzrum
侍ノ弐 Sengoku Astray Gundam[蒼]
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Build Fighters Honoo Try Info
Tomohiro Chiba
Mechanical Designer:
Character Designer:
Suzuhito Yasuda
1 volume
Novel Release:
Japan 12.01.2014 – xx.xx.2015