Model number: MPL-97S
Code name: Python
Unit type: law enforcement patrol labor
Manufacturer: Manabe Heavy Industries
Operator: Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
Rollout: November 1997 AD
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 7.80 meters; overall width 4.60 meters
Weight: standard 7.25 metric tons; full 7.85 metric tons
Armor materials: high tension steel
Powerplant: unknown
Maximum weight lifting capacity: 2.60 metric tons
Minimum revolving radius: 5.90 meters
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: anti-labor stun stick, stored in shield mounted on left forearm, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: none

The MPL-97S Python was a law enforcement patrol labor manufactured by Manabe Heavy Industries. As a law enforcement unit, it was equipped with a stun stick and shield to fight off other labors. The Python was used by Division 1 of the Tokyo police’s Special Vehicles Section 2. When Division 2 upgraded to Shinohara’s new AV-98 Ingram, Division 1 was left with the aging Python. After several false starts at upgrades, Division 1 formally adopted the new AV-0 Peacemaker as its main unit in 1999. The dependable Python was then relegated to serving as a training labor.

Pilot(s): Tsutomu Gomioka, Yuuki
First appearance: Mobile Police Patlabor
Original mechanical designer: Yutaka Izubuchi


Rear view

Patlabor Info

Naoyuki Yoshinaga

Kazunori Ito
Mamoru Oshii
Hiroyuki Hoshiyama
Naoto Kimura
Tetsuo Takahashi
Michiko Yokote
Hibari Arisu

Mechanical Designer(s):
Yutaka Izubuchi
Yoshinori Sayama

Character Designer:
Akemi Takada

Musical Composer:
Kenji Kawai

47 episodes

Japan 10.11.1989 – 09.26.1990


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