
MSER-04 Anf


Model number: MSER-04
Code name: Anf
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: HRL (Human Reform League)
Operator(s): HRL; Kingdom of Azadistan; civilians
Rollout: unknown
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 17.3 meters
Weight: max gross 134.9 metric tons
Armor materials:
Powerplant: fossil fuel engine (early units), power output rating unknown; chemical reaction fuel engine (later modification), power output rating unknown
Propulsion: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 30mm machine gun, mounted underneath head
Optional hand armaments: 200mm x 25 caliber smoothbore gun

When the Human Reform League stopped using fossil fuels, it redesigned its MSJ-04 Fantong into the MSER-04 Anf for export and rental. The suit’s name referred to the Arabic word for “nose,” and many Anfs were exported to Middle Eastern (and later African) countries that still used fossil fuels. The Anf was a popular mobile suit in poor countries due to its extremely low cost, low malfunction rate and a body structure that allowed for easy repair. Civilian trading companies throughout the world sold Anf units, sometimes exporting them to countries in violation of arms embargoes. Some companies also recycled retired Fantong units and resold them as newly produced Anfs. The Anf’s success caused the HRL to increase production, which further reduced the cost per unit, and this in turn led to increased demands in other regions. Fossil fuels were difficult to obtain outside the Middle East, so to accommodate global demand, the HRL created a chemical reaction fuel engine to replace the original fossil fuel engine. This newer engine was more environmentally friendly because it did not produce carbon dioxide. It was also relatively simple to replace the engine, so many earlier Anf units were upgraded to the new engine. Although the Anf was insufficient in combat against modern mobile suits, it fared well as an antipersonnel unit. Its armaments included a 30mm machine gun mounted underneath the head and a 200mm x 25 caliber smoothbore gun.

The Anf was not widely used in Union-controlled areas, though they were utilized in large numbers by South American countries prior to their entry into the Union. Although there were some combat capable Anfs in Australia, most were used for civil engineering work due to their durability and power output. Australia’s combat use Anfs functioned as emergency reserve units meant to support Southeast Asian countries in protecting the orbital elevator. As of 2312, the region with the highest number of Anfs in operation was the HRL. The majority of these machines were modified Fantongs that were still serving in the army. This was particularly true for the northern region of the HRL, which saw very little mobile suit combat. The number was relatively lower in the southern region, as the main combat machines there were being constantly replaced by the MSJ-06II-A Tieren Ground Type. Following the creation of the Earth Sphere Federation government, the number of Anfs still outnumbered the ESF’s newer GN-X series.

Pilot: Ulls
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Original mechanical designer: Kenji Teraoka


200mm x 25 caliber smoothbore gun




Rear view

Gundam 00 Info

Seiji Mizushima

Yousuke Kuroda

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kanetake Ebikawa
Takayuki Yanase
Hitoshi Fukuchi
Kenji Teraoka
Naohiro Washio
Kunio Okawara
Seiichi Nakatani

Character Designer(s):
Yun Kouga
Michinori Chiba

Musical Composer:
Kenji Kawai

50 episodes; 3 compilation movies

Japan 10.06.2007 – 03.29.2008 (S1);
10.05.2008 – 03.29.2009 (S2)
U.S. 11.24.2008 – 02.09.2009 (S1);
06.29.2009 – 09.21.2009 (S2)

Video Release (SE):
Japan 10.27.2009 – 02.23.2010
U.S. 09.04.2018


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