Model number(s): MSZ-006A1; MSK-006
Code name: 
Zeta plus A1
Unit type: mass production transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: Anaheim Electronics
Operator(s): Karaba; Earth Federation Forces
Rollout: November UC 0087
First deployment: UC 0087
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 22.11 meters; head height 19.86 meters
Weight: empty 32.7 metric tons; max gross 68.4 metric tons
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2,070 kW
Propulsion: jet thrusters: 101,000 kg total
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 16,200 meters
Fixed armaments: 2 x 60mm vulcan gun, mounted in head; 2 x beam cannon, power rated at 2.4 MW, mounted on thighs; 2 x beam saber, power rated at 0.75 MW, stored in recharge racks, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, power rated at 5.7 MW, powered by rechargeable energy cap

The transformable mobile suit MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam developed by the AEUG resistance group was originally considered far too complex and expensive for mass production. Karaba, the partner organization that served as the AEUG’s terrestrial forces, took note of the Zeta Gundam’s effectiveness and redesigned it to create the mass production type MSK-006 Zeta plus (later redesignated as the MSZ-006A1). Because this machine was intended exclusively for use in the atmosphere, its space flight systems and atmospheric entry features were eliminated. However, its cost performance ratio and flight capabilities were superior to those of the prototype Zeta Gundam. Instead of the flying armor used by the original Zeta Gundam, the Zeta plus was equipped with variable geometry wing binders similar to those of the MSN-00100 Hyaku-Shiki. These wing binders improved the flight characteristics of the wave rider form, giving it a cruising range of hundreds of kilometers, and in mobile suit form they could be used for AMBAC maneuvering rather than simply becoming dead weight. The Zeta plus was also equipped with two thigh beam cannons, which were connected directly to its movable frame so that energy supply and fire control could be performed without using the mobile suit’s hands. The first Zeta plus rolled out in November of UC 0087, and the new machine was assigned to Karaba units such as the 18th Tactical Fighter Aggressor Squadron (18TFAS) based aboard the transport plane Audhumla. Karaba eventually deployed about 20 machines, three of which were painted in white and orange test colors for demonstration purposes. Rumor had it that one of these colorful machines was used by the legendary ace pilot Amuro Ray in his role as commander of 18TFAS. As late as UC 0096, some units remained in service with the EFF.

Pilot: Amuro Ray
First appearance: Gundam Sentinel
Original mechanical designer(s): Hajime Katoki, Masahiko Arano


Beam rifle (Version 2)


Rear view (Version 2)


Shield (Version 2)


Underside view (Waverider mode, Version 2)

Gundam Sentinel Info


Masaya Takahashi

Mechanical Designer(s):
Hajime Katoki
Mika Akitaka

1 volume

Novel Release:
Japan 09.xx.1987 – 08.xx.1988


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