Model number: ORX-005
Code name: Gaplant TR-5 [Hrairoo]
Unit type:
 prototype transformable mobile armor
Manufacturer: Oakland Research Institute
Operator: Titans
First deployment: March UC 0087
Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic/linear seat cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 25.2 meters
Weight: empty 50.8 metric tons; max gross 115.1 metric tons
Armor materials: Gundarium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 3,040 kW (+410 kW)
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: total output unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; 2 x I-field beam-deflecting barrier generator, mounted in wing binders
Fixed armaments: 2 x beam cannon; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in hip armor, hand-carried in use; 2 x spread beam gun
Optional hand armaments: none

The transformable mobile armor ORX-005 Gaplant, developed for high-altitude interception, had performance surpassing that of second-generation mobile suits. Although this machine was developed before the category of third-generation mobile suits (transformable mobile suits) was established, its performance was sufficient to qualify as a third-generation mobile suit. This machine was a Gaplant further enhanced with the addition of support parts. Rather than being a fighter-class mobile weapon, its performance gave it tactical-class fighting strength, like the mobile armor MA-08 Big-Zam of the One Year War or the RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02A Physalis of the Delaz Conflict. Thus it was categorized as an “area dominance mobile armor” whose absolute fighting strength allowed it to dominate the battlefield in space, in the air, or on the ground. This high-class machine could demonstrate its maximum potential under any conditions. The new support units developed for the Gaplant TR-5 were based on data obtained from the FF-X29A G-Parts [Hrududu]. Instead of the shield boosters previously used by the Titans Test Team, its arms were equipped with the same movable shield binders as a normal Gaplant. Extra boosters were also installed on its shoulders and around its waist, giving it higher mobility and offensive power in both mobile suit and mobile armor forms. Since this equipment was designed so as not to affect the Gaplant’s characteristic transformation functions, it could still transform while the support units are attached.

The Hrairoo was the transformable mobile armor that served as the core of the ORX-005+LRX-007X Gaplant TR-5 [Fiver]. Without its atmospheric escape and reentry parts, the Fiver became the Hrairoo, a custom machine based on the transformable mobile armor Gaplant and then upgraded and improved by the Confeito technical headquarters. The Titans Test Team pilots previously referred to this form using the TR-5’s original Fiver nickname, or called it the “Fiver Gundam” due to the blade antennas attached to its head unit. At the request of the mechanics, main pilot Wes Murphy christened it Hrairoo in order to clearly distinguish between the Fiver and the form without the atmospheric escape and reentry parts.

The support units included two types of shoulder parts. The shoulder claw unit on the right served as both a supplemental thruster and a hardpoint for carrying weapons, while the shoulder thruster unit on the left also contained a generator. The extra skirt units contained attitude control verniers and supplemental thrusters, and the front units were also equipped with spread beam guns. The multi-arm unit was a multipurpose device attached to the back of the machine, which played a similar role to the sub arm unit of the RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel Custom]. The long blade rifle was a long-range sniper beam rifle made up of a long blade barrel and a stabilizer unit attached to a beam pistol.

The Hrairoo’s shoulder units could be attached to the Hrdudu in place of its original wing units, creating the support machine FF-X39A Hrududu II. Like the Hrududu’s claw wing unit, the shoulder claw unit contained a beam emitter which could be connected to the barrel of the long blade rifle, while the shoulder thruster unit contained a generator similar to those used in other TR series machines. A drum frame was attached to each shoulder unit, providing an attachment point for additional multi arm units or even MRX-009 Psycho Gundam arms. The spread beam guns installed in the front skirt armor resembled the diffuse beam guns used in the enhanced shield booster, and their placement was similar to those of the RX-110 Gabthley. Small manipulators could also be attached to rails on the underside of the front armor. The side armor could carry energy pack holders, and the beam sabers stored in the side armor functioned as beam guns in mobile armor form. The multi arm unit on the machine’s rear skirt armor was more compact than the Hazel Custom’s sub arm unit, but it could not be used at the same time as the mobile suit’s own arms. Its manipulator could hold equipment such as a shield or shield booster, an MP-X86 Mobile Pod [Primrose] mega particle cannon, or a long blade rifle, and in mobile armor form it was used to hold the long blade rifle in place. A winch mechanism installed in the base of the arm also allowed it to function as a winch unit. Two shield boosters could be attached to the beam pistol or long blade rifle via a special latch.

Pilot(s): Wes Murphy, Eliard Hunter
First appearance: Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans
Original mechanical designer: Kenki Fujioka


Advance of Zeta Info

Bin Konno

Tatsu Mizuki (manga)

Mechanical Designer:
Kenki Fujioka

Character Designer:
Takuya Saito

6 volumes (novel); 4 volumes (manga)

Novel Release:
Japan 06.10.2003 – 02.15.2008

Manga Release:
Japan 12.15.2003 – 04.26.2007


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