
TV Space Boat


Model number: N/A
Code name: TV Space Boat
Unit type:
 news space boat
Manufacturer: unknown
Operator: civilians
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: unknown
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: unknown
Powerplant: unknown
Propulsion: 2 x thruster
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; 4 x external fuel tank; video camera; communications equipment
Fixed armaments: none

The TV Space Boat was a civilian spacecraft used by the news media in Side 6. Featuring four external fuel tanks and exterior cameras and communications equipment, the TV Space Boat was capable of capturing footage from space and transmitting it live back to a colony. In December UC 0079, a TV Space Boat filmed live footage of a battle between the EFF assault carrier White Base and Zeon forces led by Adm. Conscon.

First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam
Original mechanical designer:
Kunio Okawara


Mobile Suit Gundam Info

Yoshiyuki Tomino
Ryoji Fujiwara (movie 1)

Yoshiyuki Tomino
Masaru Yamamoto
Kenichi Matsuzaki
Yoshihisa Araki
Hiroyuki Hoshiyama

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Yoshiyuki Tomino

Character Designer:
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko

Musical Composer(s):
Yuji Matsuyama
Takeo Watanabe

43 episodes; 3 compilation movies

Japan 04.07.1979 – 01.26.1980
U.S. 07.23.2001 – 09.12.2001

Theatrical Release:
Japan 03.14.1981 – 03.13.1982


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