
UGY-R38 Spinner Rodi


Model number: UGY-R38
Code name: Spinner Rodi
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: unknown
Operator: civilians
Rollout: unknown
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters
Weight: empty 41.3 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Armor materials: nanolaminate armor on Rodi Frame
Powerplant: Ahab reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: Ahab thrusters: total output unknown
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; 2 x 4-tube anchor pod, mounted in legs
Fixed armaments: none
Optional hand armaments: boost hammer, rifle, includes grenade launcher

The UGY-R38 Spinner Rodi was a general purpose mobile suit constructed on the Rodi Frame. Spinner Rodis were used for civilian purposes, including colony construction and other work. The Spinner Rodi featured a large backpack with multiple thrusters for maneuvering inside a colony or in space. It was also equipped with 4-tube anchor pods on each of its legs. The Spinner Rodi could be armed for combat and carried a rifle with a built-in grenade launcher and a boost hammer. In P.D. 323, Dort Company workers organized into an armed rebellion in the Dort colonies to protest their mistreatment by the company. However, having anticipated the uprising, Gjallarhorn preemptively sabotaged the workers’ seized Spinner Rodis by removing most of their fuel and making their rifles nonfunctional. This made the Spinner Rodis easy targets for a one-sided slaughter, until Tekkadan intervened in the battle.

Pilot: Amida Arca
First appearance:
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Original mechanical designer: Ippei Gyoubu


Boost hammer


Cockpit hatch




Rear view




Rodi Frame

Iron-Blooded Orphans Info

Tatsuyuki Nagai

Mari Okada
Hajime Kamoshida
Michihiro Tsuchiya
Toshizo Nemoto
Shinsuke Onishi
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Mayori Sekijima
Tatsuto Higuchi
Yousuke Kuroda

Mechanical Designer(s):
Naohiro Washio
Kanetake Ebikawa
Ippei Gyoubu
Kenji Teraoka
Tamotsu Shinohara

Character Designer(s):
Yu Ito
Michinori Chiba

Musical Composer:
Masaru Yokoyama

50 episodes; 9 compilation episodes

Airdates (TV):
Japan 10.04.2015 – 03.27.2016 (S1);
10.02.2016 – 04.02.2017 (S2)
U.S. 06.04.2016 – 12.11.2016 (S1);
10.08.2017 – 04.28.2018 (S2)

Airdates (SE):
Japan 04.29.2022 –


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