Model number: YMAG-X7F
Code name:
Unit type:
 experimental attack use mobile armor
 Adukurf Mechano-Industries
Earth Alliance
First deployment:
 C.E. 73
 three pilots, in standard cockpit in main body
 overall length unknown; overall height 27.27 meters (ground mode), 22.60 meters (flight mode)
 max gross weight 217.23 metric tons
Armor materials:
Propulsion: unknown
Equipment and design features: 
sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments:
“Igelstellung” 75mm multi-barrel CIWS, mounted on main body; 2 x GMA628 beam cannon, mounted on legs, operable only in flight mode; Mk61 dual 125mm smoothbore cannon, mounted on aft portion of main body; “Schneid Schutz” SX1021 positron reflector shield, generators mounted in shoulders and front of main body
Optional hand armaments: 2 x M7045/F7 beam rifle

During the Bloody Valentine War, the Earth Alliance was slow to introduce mobile suits as replacements for the aging mobile armor TS-MA2 Moebius. Even after developing their own mobile suits, the Alliance continued to experiment with mobile armor designs, such as the YMAG-X7F Gells-Ghe. The insect-like Gells-Ghe dwarfed the fighter-like Moebius and was operated by three pilots. The Gells-Ghe could walk on the ground with its six legs, which could be retracted for flight. A modified GAT-01 Strike Dagger torso was mounted on the main body and armed with two beam rifles. The Gells-Ghe was also armed with two beam cannons, a CIWS gun and an anti-aircraft cannon. In addition to these armaments, the Gells-Ghe was also equipped with a powerful positron deflector shield, capable of blocking a direct shot from a battleship-level positron cannon. In late C.E. 73, a Gells-Ghe unit was assigned to protect the Alliance’s Lohengrin Gate in the Gulnahan ravine near Suez. With its positron deflector shield, the Gells-Ghe protected the Lohengrin and allowed it to destroy a ZAFT attack force. In a second attack, Athrun Zala’s ZGMF-X23S Saviour Gundam disabled the Gells-Ghe, while Shinn Asuka’s ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam destroyed the Lohengrin cannon. Months later, several Gells-Ghe units were deployed at the Alliance’s Daedalus lunar base to protect the entrance to the powerful Requiem cannon.

First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara




M7045/F7 beam rifle


Rear view (Ground mode)




Mitsuo Fukuda

Chiaki Morosawa
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Hiroshi Ohnogi
Kazuho Hyodo
Shigeru Morita
Natsuko Takahashi
Yuuichi Nomura

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Kimitoshi Yamane

Character Designer:
Hisashi Hirai

Musical Composer:
Toshihiko Sahashi

50 episodes; 1 TV special; 4 compilation movies

Airdates (Original):
Japan 10.09.2004 – 12.25.2005

Airdates (HD Remaster):
Japan 04.xx.2013 – 03.xx.2014

Video Release (SE):
Japan 05.26.2006 – 02.23.2007
U.S. 06.17.2008 – 01.13.2009


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