
ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion


Model number: ASW-G-11
Code name: Gundam Gusion
Unit type: custom heavy mobile suit
Manufacturer: Gjallarhorn
Operator: Brewers
Rollout: unknown
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 44.4 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Armor materials: nanolaminate armor on Gundam Frame
Powerplant: 2 x Ahab reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: Ahab thrusters: total output unknown
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: none
Optional fixed armaments: 2 x vulcan gun, mounted in head; 4 x 400mm buster anchor, mounted in torso; 4 x hand grenade, 2 mounted per side skirt armor
Optional hand armaments: 90mm submachine gun; Gusion axe; Gusion chopper; Gusion hammer

More than 300 years ago, Gjallarhorn created 72 Gundam Frames in an effort to fight off the existential threat of unmanned mobile armors during the Calamity War. Compared to standard mobile suits, these high performance machines each mounted two Ahab reactors. The Gundams also utilized the Alaya-Vijnana System, a man-machine interface in which plugs from the cockpit would connect to spinal cord implants protruding from the pilot’s back. This system allowed data to flow both ways between the Gundam and the pilot’s brain, and it also allowed for human-like movement. However, exceeding the system’s safety limits could permanently injure the pilot’s body. The names and model numbers of all the Gundams corresponded to the names and ranks of demons from the Lesser Key of Solomon. The ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion was named after the demon Duke Gusion.

Three centuries after the Calamity War, the Gundam Gusion came into the possession of the Brewers space pirates, who modified it extensively from its original appearance using Rodi Frame parts. Piloted by Brewers member Kudal Cadel, the squat Gundam Gusion was armed with a pair of vulcan guns, four 400mm buster anchors, four hand grenades, a submachine gun, the Gusion hammer, the Gusion chopper and the Gusion axe. Because Kudal lacked the implants to use the Alaya-Vijnana System, that system was removed from the cockpit. In P.D. 323, the Brewers engaged Tekkadan in battle in an asteroid field. Tekkadan pilot Akihiro Altland killed Kudal to avenge his lost brother Masahiro, one of the young human debris pilots used by the Brewers. Afterward, Tekkadan removed the Gundam Gusion’s armor and used spare parts from the ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos (4th Form) to create the Gundam Gusion Rebake, which served as Akihiro’s new mobile suit.

Pilot: Kudal Cadel
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Original mechanical designer: Ippei Gyoubu


90mm submachine gun


Cockpit hatch


Gundam Frame


Gusion axe


Gusion chopper


Gusion hammer


Hand grenade




Rear view

Iron-Blooded Orphans Info

Tatsuyuki Nagai

Mari Okada
Hajime Kamoshida
Michihiro Tsuchiya
Toshizo Nemoto
Shinsuke Onishi
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Mayori Sekijima
Tatsuto Higuchi
Yousuke Kuroda

Mechanical Designer(s):
Naohiro Washio
Kanetake Ebikawa
Ippei Gyoubu
Kenji Teraoka
Tamotsu Shinohara

Character Designer(s):
Yu Ito
Michinori Chiba

Musical Composer:
Masaru Yokoyama

50 episodes; 9 compilation episodes

Airdates (TV):
Japan 10.04.2015 – 03.27.2016 (S1);
10.02.2016 – 04.02.2017 (S2)
U.S. 06.04.2016 – 12.11.2016 (S1);
10.08.2017 – 04.28.2018 (S2)

Airdates (SE):
Japan 04.29.2022 –


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