Model number: GNY-002F
Code name: Gundam Sadalsuud Type F
Unit type: prototype reconnaissance mobile suit
Manufacturer: Celestial Being
Operator: Fereshte
Rollout: AD 2292
First deployment: unknown
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 18.2 meters
Weight: max gross 51.2 metric tons
Armor materials:
Powerplant: GN Drive, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: GN verniers, total output unknown
Equipment and design features: E-sensors, range unknown; Trans-Am System (locked until AD 2308); optical camouflage; communication jamming; sensor mask; GN Field
Fixed armaments: 2 x large sensor shield, mounted on arms; 2 x GN Beam Saber, mounted on rear waist thrusters, hand-carried in use
Optional hand armaments: revolve bazooka; GN Sniper Rifle

The GNY-002F Gundam Sadalsuud Type F was an upgraded version of the GNY-002 Gundam Sadalsuud created by Celestial Being. The Gundam Sadalsuud was one of Celestial Being’s second Generation Gundams, which were used to test weapons and designs for the third generation. After testing was completed, the second generation Gundams were transferred to the support group Fereshte. Three of the Gundams received upgrades and were equipped with sensor masks to hide their Gundam features. The Type F’s sensor capabilities were improved, and it now mounted the same large sensor shield on both shoulders. However, the shields now featured a GN vernier on the bottom instead of a sensor, and two new sensors were added at the top. The Type F was still not intended for combat. Following the collapse of Celestial Being in 2308, Fereshte raided secret Celestial Being bases to collect spare parts before the UN army found them. Using parts from the third generation Gundams, the Type F was upgraded with the ability to generate a GN Field. Compared to the 360-degree field used by the GN-005 Gundam Virtue, this version was smaller, usually a single plane shield. The Type F could also use the GN Sniper Rifle from the GN-002 Gundam Dynames. In 2308, Hixar Fermi stole the Type F and the original GN Drive it was equipped with. He later joined Fereshte as a Gundam Meister and was tasked with hunting down Fon Spaak, who was branded a traitor over his rogue actions.

Pilot(s): Fon Spaak (aka Roback Stadd, Jr.), Hixar Fermi
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam 00F
Original mechanical designer: Takayuki Yanase




GN Beam Saber


GN Sniper Rifle




Rear view


Revolve bazooka


Sensor shield



Gundam 00F Info

Tomohiro Chiba

Koichi Tokita

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kanetake Ebikawa
Takayuki Yanase
Hitoshi Fukuchi
Kenji Teraoka
Naohiro Washio

4 volumes

Manga Release:
Japan 10.26.2007 – 05.26.2009
U.S. 12.09.2009 – 09.01.2020


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