Class: N/A
Name: Heracles
Unit type:
Manufacturer: unknown
Operator: U.N. Spacy
First deployment: unknown
Dimensions: overall length 1,220.0 meters
Weight: unknown
Powerplant: OverTechnology reaction system, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: OverTechnology main thrusters; many x OverTechnology vernier thruster
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; OverTechnology gravity control system
Fixed armaments: many x beam gun, mounted across hull
Mecha/aircraft: many x VF-2SS Valkyrie II

The Heracles was a battleship in service with U.N. Spacy in 2092. It was armed with multiple beam guns and could deploy many VF-2SS Valkyrie II fighters. During the Mardook invasion of 2092, the Heracles was destroyed in the first battle with the Mardook’s mind-controlled Zentradi soldiers. This event was captured on video by SNN correspondents Dennis Lone and Hibiki Kanzaki. After the battle, U.N. Spacy suppressed the public release of the SNN footage.

First appearance: The Super Dimension Fortress Macross II: Lovers Again
Original mechanical designer: Koichi Ohata


Bridge module


Rear view

Macross II Info

Kenichi Yatagai
Ken’ichi Yatsuya

Sukehiro Tomita
Manabu Nakamura
Eitakeshi Arii

Mechanical Designer(s):
Koichi Ohata
Hitoshi Fukuchi
Kazumi Fujita
Junichi Akutsu
Atsushi Okuda

Character Designer:
Haruhiko Mikimoto

Musical Composer:
Shiro Sagisu

6 episodes

Video Release:
Japan 05.21.1992 – 11.21.1992
U.S. 10.28.1992 – 02.10.1993


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