
VF-2JA Icarus


Model number: VF-2JA
Code name: Icarus
Unit type: mass production main variable fighter
Manufacturer: unknown
Operator: U.N. Spacy
Rollout: unknown
First deployment: AD 2086
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard canopy-style cockpit
Dimensions: overall height 15.9 meters (Battroid mode), 5.2 meters (Fighter mode); overall length 15.8 meters (Fighter mode); wingspan 7.9 meters (Fighter mode), wingspan (fully extended) 12.2 meters (Fighter mode)
Weight: unknown
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: 2 x Tachikahoff thermonuclear reaction turbine engine, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: rear dorsal thruster pod; 22 x apogee motor
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: heavy rifle/gun pod, mounted on central fuselage in Fighter mode, hand-carried in Battroid/GERWALK modes; 2 x semi-fixed anti-aircraft laser cannon, mounted on head; 2 x beam cannon, mounted on nose
Optional fixed armaments: 2 x Missile Pack, mounted on hardpoints
Optional hand armaments: none

A successor to the old VF-1A Valkyrie, the VF-2JA Icarus was one of the main variable fighters used in the 2090s by U.N. Spacy. Capable of functioning in all environments, the VF-2JA was optimized for atmospheric environments, while the VF-2SS Valkyrie II was for space. The VF-2JA’s armaments included a heavy rifle/gun pod, two beam cannons and two anti-aircraft laser cannons. The VF-2JA lacked built-in missile launchers, but it could equip optional Missile Packs. VF-2JAs were widely used to defend Earth during the Mardook War of 2092.

Pilot: Nexx Gilbert
First appearance: Super Dimension Fortress Macross II: Lovers, Again
Original mechanical designer(s): Junichi Akutsu, Kazumi Fujita, Koichi Ohata, Atsushi Okuda






Rear view (Battroid mode)

Macross II Info

Kenichi Yatagai
Ken’ichi Yatsuya

Sukehiro Tomita
Manabu Nakamura
Eitakeshi Arii

Mechanical Designer(s):
Junichi Akutsu
Koichi Ohata
Kazumi Fujita
Atsushi Okuda

Character Designer:
Haruhiko Mikimoto

Musical Composer:
Shiro Sagisu

6 episodes

Video Release:
Japan 05.21.1992 – 11.21.1992
U.S. 10.28.1992 – 02.10.1993


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