Model number: ZGMF-X10A
Code name: Freedom Gundam
Unit type: prototype assault mobile suit
Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau
Operator(s): ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty); Three Ships Alliance
First deployment: 5 May C.E. 71
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 18.03 meters
Weight: max gross weight 71.5 metric tons
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: ultracompact nuclear fission reactor, power output rated at 8,826 kW
Propulsion: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; PS (Phase Shift) armor; Neutron Jammer Canceler
Fixed armaments: 2 x MA-M01 “Lacerta” beam saber, stored on hips, combinable, hand-carried in use; 2 x MMI-GAU2 “Picus” 76mm CIWS, mounted on head; 2 x M100 “Balaena” plasma beam cannon, stored in wings, mounted over shoulders in use in HiMAT mode; 2 x MMI-M15 “Xiphias” rail cannon, folded underneath hips, spread out in use in HiMAT (High Mobility Aerial Tactics) mode
Optional fixed armaments (docked with METEOR): 
2 x 120cm high-energy beam cannon; 2 x 93.7cm high-energy beam cannon; 2 x MA-X200 beam sword; 77 x 60cm “Erinaceus” anti-ship missile launchers (22 per pod, 12 per arm unit, 9 on tail fin)
Optional hand armaments: 
MA-M20 “Lupus” beam rifle; shield, mounted on left forearm

After successfully stealing four of the Earth Alliance’s prototype Gundam mobile suits, ZAFT reverse engineered them and incorporated new technologies such as Phase Shift armor and beam sabers into their own mobile suits. With these new technologies, ZAFT also built several Gundams of their own under the direction of leader Patrick Zala. Unlike previous Gundam designs, these new units featured a dangerous new technology: the N-Jammer Canceler. ZAFT originally developed the N-Jammer to prevent the Alliance from using nuclear weapons, but this also meant that mobile suits had to be powered by short life batteries. By creating the N-Jammer Canceler, a mobile suit could use a nuclear fission reactor and function for a nearly unlimited amount of time, even with Phase Shift armor activated. Unfortunately, the N-Jammer Canceler technology proved to be a Pandora’s Box that fell into the wrong hands.

The ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam was one of the new Gundam designs built by ZAFT. The Freedom Gundam was equipped with a wide variety of powerful weapons for use in its HiMAT (High Mobility Aerial Tactics) mode. One of these weapons was the twin “Balaena” plasma beam cannons, which were stored in the wings and mounted over the shoulders during use. The Freedom Gundam’s other main armament consisted of twin hip-mounted “Xiphias” rail cannons. Other standard armaments included head vulcans, twin beam sabers and a beam rifle. The Freedom Gundam was also capable of using something far more powerful: the METEOR support system. This mobile weapons platform was designed specifically for use by the Freedom Gundam and ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam and was stored aboard the support ship Eternal. By using the METEOR, the Freedom Gundam could deliver a blitzkrieg attack utilizing various cannons, missile launchers and two long beam swords.

The Freedom Gundam was first used in May C.E. 71 when Kira Yamato stole it with the help of Lacus Clyne. Kira used his new suit to travel to Earth and join the battle between ZAFT and the Alliance at Alaska. Following the battle, Kira rejoined his comrades on the Archangel and traveled to Orb after the ship defected from the Alliance. There, Kira fought to protect Orb from the Alliance and was later joined by his old friend and former enemy Athrun Zala piloting his new Justice Gundam. Following the defeat of Orb, Kira returned to space and was joined by Lacus Clyne and her stolen Eternal, which provided Kira with his METEOR. Along with Athrun, Kira used his METEOR to save the PLANTs from destruction by nuclear missiles. At the war’s end on September 27, the Freedom Gundam was heavily damaged in a battle against Rau Le Creuset’s ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam. After the war, the Freedom Gundam was secretly repaired and hidden in Orb. In late C.E. 73, the Freedom Gundam was reactivated by Kira to fight off a squad of UMF/SS0-3 ASH mobile suits used by a group of special ops Coordinators sent to assassinate Lacus. Later, PLANT Supreme Council Chairman Gilbert Durandal ordered the destruction of the Archangel and Freedom Gundam after their interference in several battles between the Alliance and ZAFT. Soon after, ZAFT initiated Operation Angel Down, and during that battle the Freedom Gundam was destroyed by Shinn Asuka’s ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam. Kira later upgraded to the new ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam.

Pilot: Kira Yamato
First appearance: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Okawara






M100 “Balaena” plasma beam cannon


MA-M01 beam saber


MA-M20 “Lupus” beam rifle


MMI-M15 “Xiphias” rail cannon


Rear view



Gundam SEED Info

Mitsuo Fukuda

Chiaki Morosawa
Hiroyuki Yoshino
Hiroshi Ohnogi
Shigeru Morita
Akinori Endo
Yuuichi Nomura
Akemi Omode

Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Kimitoshi Yamane
Junichi Akutsu

Character Designer:
Hisashi Hirai

Musical Composer:
Toshihiko Sahashi

50 episodes (original); 48 episodes (HD); 1 short; 3 compilation movies

Airdates (Original):
Japan 10.05.2002 – 09.27.2003
U.S. 04.17.2004 – 04.15.2005

Airdates (HD Remaster):
Japan 01.xx.2012 – 11.xx.2012

Video Release (SE):
Japan 08.27.2004 – 10.22.2004
U.S. 07.11.2005 – 11.22.2005


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