Code Geass: Akito the Exiled is an OVA series released in Japan from 2013-2016. It is a side story set between the two seasons of the 2006 TV series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Directed and co-written by Kazuki Akane, it features mechanical designs by Akira Yasuda and Kenji Teraoka, character designs by CLAMP and Takahiro Kimura and a score by Ichiko Hashimoto. The series focuses on Akito Hyuga, a member of a Japanese expatriate Knightmare unit fighting for Europia United against the allied forces of the Holy Britannia Empire and Euro Britannia. The series’ production saw multiple delays and the addition of a fifth episode. The series was released on home video in North America by Crunchyroll.
1 | The Wyvern Arrives |
2 | The Wyvern Divided |
3 | The Brightness Falls |
4 | Memories of Hatred |
5 | To Beloved Ones |
Knightmare Frames
* Mk3-E2E8 Panzer Hummel
W0X-Type01 Alexander Type-01
W0X-Type01AC Alexander Liberte
W0X-Type02/C Alexander Type-02 Leila Version
W0X-Type02/DF Alexander Type-02 Yukiya Version
W0X-Type02/FW Alexander Type-02 Ayano Version
W0X-Type02/MF Alexander Type-02 Ryo Version
W0X-Type02/MPM Alexander Drone (Mass Production Model)
W0X-Type02/UBW Alexander Drone
W0X-Type02V/DF Alexander Valiant Yukiya Version
W0X-Type02V/FW Alexander Valiant Ayano Version
W0X-Type02V/MF Alexander Valiant Ryo Version
W0X-Type03/SC Alexander Red Ogre
Vehicles and Support Units
Large Landship
Medium Landship
Knightmare Frames
* RPI-11 Glasgow
* RPI-13 Sutherland
* RPI-209 Gloucester
RPI-209/EB Gloucester Swordsman
RPI-210 Gracchus
RZX-4EH Ahuramazda
V-01S Vercingetorix
* Z-01 Lancelot
Vehicles and Support Units
G-1 Base
Knightmare Transport Capsule
Knightmare Frames
* RPI-11 Glasgow
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Knightmare Frames or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Akito the Exiled Info
Kazuki Akane
Kazuki Akane
Miya Asakawa
Mechanical Designer(s):
Akira Yasuda
Kenji Teraoka
Takashi Miyamoto
Takumi Sakura
Character Designer(s):
Takahiro Kimura
Musical Composer(s):
Ichiko Hashimoto
5 episodes
Video Release:
Japan 01.29.2013 – 02.06.2016
U.S. 06.27.2017