Gundam Build Real is a TV series that originally streamed in Japan in 2021. It is the first live action Gundam-related TV series produced by Sunrise. Directed by Katsuyuki Motohiro and Yuwa Tanaka, it uses the same Gunpla Battle concept previously seen in anime series like Gundam Build Fighters. Set during the present era, the series takes place in Japan’s Tokai region and focuses on five high-schoolers reuniting as team BRIGHT to compete in Gunpla Battle. The series streamed on’s YouTube channel, but has since been removed. It has not been released on home video in North America.
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gundam Build Real Info
Katsuyuki Motohiro
Yuwa Tanaka
Naoya Yamauchi
Yuwa Tanaka
Mechanical Designer:
Musical Composer:
Ryota Nozaki
6 episodes
Internet Release:
Japan 03.29.2021 – 07.19.2021
Global 08.26.2021 – 12.01.2021