Gundam Build Fighters is a TV series that aired in Japan from 2013-2014. Taking inspiration from Model Suit Gunpla Builders Beginning G, this series is set in the “real world” where people scan their model kits to compete in Gunpla Battle. The series was directed by Kenji Nagasaki, with mechanical designs by veterans like Kunio Okawara and Kanetake Ebikawa, character designs by Kenichi Ohnuki and Suzuhito Yasuda and a score by Yuuki Hayashi. The series stars Sei Iori, an expert Gunpla builder who lacks the skills to compete in Gunpla Battle. That changes when he meets an otherworldly prince named Reiji who teams up with him to fight in the 7th Gunpla Battle World Championship. The series was followed by a sequel TV series, Gundam Build Fighters Try. In 2017, the cast of the original series returned for an ONA midquel, Gundam Build Fighters: GM’s Counterattack. Characters from the series also appear in the 2017 ONA shorts Gundam Build Fighters Battlogue. The TV series streamed internationally and is available on home video in North America from Nozomi Entertainment.
Mobile Weapons
* GAT-X105B/ST Star Build Strike Gundam
* GX-9999 Gundam X Maoh
* MSN-02MR Hell Zeong Marine
* NMX-004 Qubeley Papillon
* PPGN-001 Gundam Amazing Exia
* PPGN-001 Gundam Exia Dark Matter
* PPMS-18E Kämpfer Amazing
* RGM-79K9 GM Sniper K9
* RX-178B Build Gundam Mk-II
* TMF/T BuCUE Tank
* XXXG-01Wf Wing Gundam Fenice
* ZM-D11GRB Abigorbine
* 侍ノ弐 Sengoku Astray Gundam
Mobile Weapons
* GAT-X105B/CM Build Strike Gundam Cosmos
Mobile Weapons
* AC-01 Miss Sazabi
* GAT-X105B Build Strike Gundam
* GAT-X105B/FP Build Strike Gundam Full Package
* GX-9999 Gundam X Maoh
* KUMA-03 Beargguy III
* Mock
* MS-06R-AB Zaku Amazing
* MS-07R-35 Gouf R35
* MSN-02GA Hell Zeong Galaxy
* PPGN-001 Gundam Amazing Exia Repair
* PPGN-001 Gundam Amazing Exia Repair II
* RX-178B Build Gundam Mk-II
* XM-X9999 Crossbone Gundam Maoh
* XXXG-01Wfr Gundam Fenice Rinascita
* YMS-15SS Gyan Gya Gyan
* YMS-15SS Gyan Vulcan
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Build Fighters Info
Kenji Nagasaki
Yousuke Kuroda
Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Kanetake Ebikawa
Junya Ishigaki
Junichi Akutsu
Kenji Teraoka
Character Designer(s):
Kenichi Ohnuki
Suzuhito Yasuda
Musical Composer:
Yuuki Hayashi
Japan 10.07.2013 – 03.31.2014
Streaming 10.07.2013 – 03.31.2014