New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Dual Story: G-UNIT is a manga series published in Japan from 1997-1998. Written and illustrated by Koichi Tokita, it was serialized in Comic BomBom magazine. Taking place in AC 195, it is a side story set concurrently to the TV series New Mobile Report Gundam Wing. Far away from the conflicts in the Earth Sphere, the residents of the asteroid MO-V develop new Gundams for OZ, but are soon drawn into conflict themselves. The manga was released in English in North America by TOKYOPOP under the title Mobile Suit Gundam: The Last Outpost, but it is now out of print. In 2019, Tokita created the manga retelling New Mobile Report Gundam Wing G-UNIT: Operation Galiarest.
Mobile Weapons
EWAC Leo (unofficial name)
* OZ-02MD Virgo
OZ-06MS-SN3 Leo-N
OZ-06MS-SR2 Leo-R
OZ-06MS-SS1 Leo-S
* OZ-10VMSX Gundam Aesculapius
OZ-10VMSX-2 Gundam Burnlapius
* OZ-12SMS Taurus
OZ-13MSX1B-S Vayeate Suivant
OZ-13MSX2B-S Mercurius Suivant
* OZ-15AGX Hydra Gundam
* OZ-19MASX Gundam Griepe
Vehicles and Support Units
Mobile Weapons
* OZ-07AMS Aries
Mobile Weapons
* OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon
* WF-02MD Virgo II
Vehicles and Support Units
Mobile Weapons
* XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam
* XXXG-01W Wing Gundam
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Koichi Tokita
Koichi Tokita
Mechanical Designer(s):
Koichi Tokita
3 volumes
Manga Release:
Japan 05.01.1997 – 03.01.1998
U.S. 12.10.2002 – 04.08.2003