Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans G is a smartphone game released exclusively in Japan in 2022. It is a companion to the 2015 TV series Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. The app includes several individual side stories and Urdr-Hunt, a side story set between the two seasons of the TV series. Bandai Namco ended service in early 2024 and announced that Urdr-Hunt would be adapted into an animated project.
Mobile Weapons
* AEB-06L Hloekk Graze
* ASW-G-35 Gundam Hajiroboshi
ASW-G-35 Gundam Hajiroboshi Alector
ASW-G-35 Gundam Hajiroboshi (2nd Form)
EB-04/icgs Geirail GS (Gorgeous Silver)
EB-04/rcgp Geirail GP (Gorgeous Pink)
EB-05c Schwalbe Custom
IPP-18875 Enzo
STH-1507 Hakugo Commander Type
* UGY-R38 Spinner Rodi
UGY-R266 Monkey Rodi
UGY-R266C Monkey Rodi Commander Type
UGY-R267MM Monkey Crab Rodi
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.