Build Fighters Amazing header

Gundam Build Fighters Amazing is a manga released exclusively in Japan from 2013-2015. It is a prequel to the 2013 TV series Gundam Build Fighters. Written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Kiyoshi Konoyo, it was serialized in Gundam Ace magazine. Set before and during the TV series, the story focuses on Tatsuya Yuuki’s childhood and early participation in Gunpla Battle. The manga was followed by the 2016 sequel series Gundam Build Fighters Amazing Ready. 


NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.

Build Fighters Amazing Info

Tomohiro Chiba

Kiyoshi Konoyo

Mechanical Designer:

5 volumes

Manga Release:
Japan 10.26.2013- 09.26.2015


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