Gundam Build Fighters Amazing Ready is a manga series released exclusively in Japan from 2016-2018. It is a sequel to the manga Gundam Build Fighters Amazing and a side story to the TV series Gundam Build Fighters. Written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Kiyoshi Konoyo, it was serialized in Gundam Ace magazine. The story focuses on the 6th Gunpla Battle World Tournament that preceded the TV series as well as the 8th tournament that followed it. The manga was followed by the manga sequel Gundam Build Fighters Amazing Try.Â
Mobile Weapons
AGE-2GH Gundam AGE-2 Gazing Hound
Amazing Full Amazing Strike Freedom
AX Oberon
AX Titania
Barrett Amazing Strike Freedom
DI Adaga Odin
GAT-X105/TG Tall Strike Gundam Glitter
Glitter Amazing Strike Freedom
GNX-803ACC Accelerate GN-X
GSX-40100 Lunagazer Gundam
LM314V21/I-Fb V2 Gundam Imagine Full Burnern
M91 Gundam M91
* MS-06R-AB Zaku Amazing
MS-06R-ABM Zaku Amazing Marine
MS-06R-ABR Zaku Amazing Rapid
NK-13S Gundam Schwarzritter
Rapid Amazing Strike Freedom
RGE-G2100A Clanche ☆ Asta
RGM-89GF Ghost Jegan F
RGM-89GM Ghost Jegan M
RX-93-v2VA Hi-v Gundam Vrabe Amazing A&D
RX-139BAN Hambrabi Suban
The O Sazaby
XM-X2-JULIA Crossbone Gundam X-2 Julia
* XXXG-01Wf Wing Gundam Fenice
* XXXG-01Wfl Gundam Fenice Liberta
* XXXG-01Wfr Gundam Fenice Rinascita
ZGMF-X10A-A Amazing Strike Freedom Gundam
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Build Fighters Amazing Ready Info
Tomohiro Chiba
Kiyoshi Konoyo
Mechanical Designer:
5 volumes
Manga Release:
Japan 01.26.2016- 05.26.2018