Fafner in the Azure: Dead Aggressor is a TV series that aired in Japan in 2004. Produced by Xebec, its creative staff includes director Nobuyoshi Habara, writer Tow Ubukata, mechanical designer Naohiro Washio, character designer Hisashi Hirai and composer Tsuneyoshi Saito. The story focuses on Kazuki Makabe, a teenager piloting the Fafner mecha to defend the secluded Tatsumiya Island from the invading aliens known as the Festum. Dead Aggressor was followed by prequel TV special and several sequels. It was initially released on home video in North America by Geneon Entertainment, but has since been re-released by Crunchyroll.
Fafner Info
Nobuyoshi Habara
Tow Ubukata
Yasuo Yamabe
Kazuki Yamanobe
Mechanical Designer:
Naohiro Washio
Character Designer:
Hisashi Hirai
Musical Composer:
Tsuneyoshi Saito
26 episodes
Japan 07.04.2004 – 12.26.2004